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盐司 基本解释

Our salt;

盐司 双语例句

1. 接着又分别探讨了元代环渤海盐区海盐的生产技术、生产数量、管理和运销,认为元代该地区海盐生产技术史籍缺载,马可波罗所记cianglu城的盐业生产情况可能是指河间海盐生产而言;与金朝相比,所辖下的河间、山东两盐司海盐生产数量均有了较大幅度的增加,而河间盐司海盐的生产数量超过了山东盐司;元代大都盐运司并入河间盐司,但总体说来,河间、山东两盐司名称变化频繁,且未实现盐司机构职能的专门化;就海盐运销而言,商运商销法仍为主体,而山东盐司的盐业运销则由于地理环境的影响使食盐法占有相当比重。
    I think the salt produce technology of the Cianglu city recorded by Marco Polo possibly was the one producing the sea salt of Hejian administrative setup. Compared to the volume of sea salt production of the Jin dynasty and Mongol Empire, the one of the Yuan Dynesty increased greatly, and Hejian administrative setup surpassed the one of the Shandong administrative setup. Dadu administrative setup incorporated into the Hejian. The name of the Hejian and Shandong administrative setup changed frequently and did not become specialized. In the sea salt transportion and sale of sea salt of this region, the salt merchants played an important role. Because of the geographical condition in the Shandong region, the sale way of allotting the sea salt to the people is popular.

2. 它不仅记录了明确的铸造时间、地点和重量,而且对金朝的盐池管理机构、金银铺号、榷货盐司的官吏等方面的记载详尽,为研究金代的盐课税制、金银行会制度、客商制度、白银在当时经济生活中的地位、作用及流通中所设置的管理机构、流通方式等提供了实物资料。
    The tings record not only the specific casting time, place and weight, but also the contral agency of salt lake, bank and the bureaucracy of salt department of Jin dynasty, which provide materials for researching on the salt tax, bank system, traveling mechant system and the s...

3. 政府对解盐的管理经历了由解盐司到陕西运司再到河东陕西都转运盐使司的过程。
    The government to the management of Jie salt experienced the process from Shaanxi Salt Transportation Department to Hedong Shaanxi Salt Transportation Department.

4. 指出元代《熬波图》所载仅代表了元代两浙海盐区的生产技术;与宋相比,元代该地区盐课额急剧增加;就海盐的管理机构而言,两浙盐司形成了行省—盐司—分司—盐场—团为系统的管理模式,而盐仓和批验所的广泛设立使元代东南盐区的盐务管理更趋严密;东南盐区的食盐运销以商运商销为主,而沿海区域多行以人口来买食官盐的食盐法。
    It shows the produce technology recorded by Aobotu only showed the one of the two-Zhe salt administrative setup in the Yuan Dynesty. The sea salt production increased greatly than before. The system of the administration of the Zhe salt administrative setup was province, salt administrative setup, the sub-administrative setup, saltern and Tuan. And the setup of the salt warehouse and the Piyansuo widely make the saltadministration more close. Like the region along the Bo sea. the transpotion and sale of salt by salt merchant were the main way. but the way allotting the salt to the people often existed in the region along the coast.

5. 金代盐使司是仿照宋代的解盐司而建立的,其职能主要是管理地方的盐业经济。
    There were four important stages with regard to management of salt industry in previous dynasties.

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