
祖传秘方是什么意思 祖传秘方在线翻译 祖传秘方什么意思 祖传秘方的意思 祖传秘方的翻译 祖传秘方的解释 祖传秘方的发音


祖传秘方 基本解释


词典recipe handed down from ancestors[医]祖传秘方。

词典secret recipe handed down from generations[医]祖传秘方。

祖传秘方 网络解释

1. 祖传秘方的反义词

1. secret prescription handed down from one's ancestors:偏方folk prescription | 祖传秘方 secret prescription handed down from one's ancestors | 阴阳五行学说 the theory of yin-yang and five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth)

祖传秘方 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 公司金方医药研究所,拥有一支以傅庆林教授为核心的专家组,继承与发扬中医祖传秘方,结合现代医学发展技术,使中医古方精粹得到升华,经多年潜心研究,开发生产出具有显著疗效的国药准字、药管械字、卫消字、卫妆字、食字等外用膏剂系列、洗剂和茶机冲剂等剂型产品,以金药膏、疮疡膏、傅仕舒通、妇炎贴妇炎洗剂、哮喘贴、中风偏瘫贴、护眼贴、平脂茶剂等为代表的二十余个。
    The pharmaceutical companies, research institutes, to have a Professor Fu Qinglin as the core group of experts, inheritance and carry forward the Chinese Zuzhuanmifang, combined with modern medical technology development, so that the essence of ancient Chinese medicine by distillation, after years of concentrated study, To develop and produce a significant effect of the Yao Zhunzi, drug possession of firearms characters, Xiao Wei-word, the word-cosmetics, food and other topical ointment word series, lotion and tea granules, and other forms of products to the ointment, Chuangyang Plaster, Shi Shu-Fu, Fu Yan paste Fuyanke lotion, asthma, paste, paste hemiplegia, eye protection paste, tea-lipid agent as the representative of more than 20 months.

2. 没有祖传秘方,没有神话也没有传奇,只有我自己!
    There is no secret ingredient. There is no magic and no miracles. It is just me!

3. 祖传秘方的近义词

3. 公司拥有一批高素质、高水平的专业技术人员,采用当地民间传统工艺加祖传秘方结合现代工艺标准进行生产。
    The company has a professional team with high quality and high level. It has adopted local traditional technique combining with modern craft standard into production.

4. 我知道一点祖传秘方
    I know a few family secrets.

5. 餐桌上摆放的食物,都是按照奇妙的祖传秘方制作的,而“爱”是其中的主要原料。
    The table was always spread with food from wonderful family recipes all containing love as the main ingredient.

6. 祖传秘方的翻译

6. 这种药是按祖传秘方配制的。
    This medicine is prepared according to a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation.

7. 祖传秘方,稀世珍宝。
    A secret recipe handed down from generation to generation is a rare treasure.

8. 她试了各种“祖传秘方”,但都没效果,她最后试了民间偏方“生姜疗法”。
    She tried all kinds of " secret recipes " to cure my hair, but failed! She finally tried the traditional way of " Ginger Methods ".

9. 他家有个祖传的翡翠扳指儿,很值钱。这种药是按祖传秘方配制的。
    He has a jadeite ring passed down from his ancestors. it is worth a lot of money now. This medicine is prepared according to a secret recipe handed down from generation to generation.

10. 另有祖传秘方治疗烧、烫伤,有奇效。
    Also the ancestral secret formulas are very good at burning and scald.

11. 祖传秘方,中泰草药成份。
      Secret prescription containing Sino-Thai herbal ingredients.

12. 祖传秘方,碾碎的狗睾丸。
      One old remedy is ground up dog balls.

13. 用祖传秘方制成的金山丁蹄,具有独特的口味,与众不同的特征。
      The Jinshan pig's trotters, cooked according to the secret recipe handed down in Dings'family from generation to generation, have unique taste and distinctive character.

14. 她试了各种“祖传秘方”,但都没效果,她最后试了民间偏方“生姜疗法”。
      She tried all kinds of " secret recipes " to cure my hair, but failed! She finally tried the traditional way of " Ginger Methods ".

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