
船首是什么意思 船首在线翻译 船首什么意思 船首的意思 船首的翻译 船首的解释 船首的发音 船首的同义词 船首的反义词 船首的例句


船首 基本解释

船首[chuán shǒu]





船首 汉英大词典

船首[chuán shǒu]

stem; bow; backbone; prow; forebridge; bow tie:


    from stem to stern;


    The sea water foams under the bow.

船首 网络解释

1. bow:当独木舟在水中前行时,船首(Bow)和船尾(Stern)会遇到不同的力. 船首前行驶入未扰乱的水面并把水推向两侧,在船尾,水向后流动来填充由于独木舟中部通过时产生的空间,在独木舟的通道上留下紊乱的水面. 在静止风的情况下,

2. 船首的解释

2. stem:Steer 驾驭 | Stem 船首 | Stern Post 船尾位置

3. bow, prow:bilge 船腹,船底污水 | bow, prow 船首 | bulwark 舷墙

4. 船首是什么意思

4. prow:provostship provost之职 | prow 船首 | prowess 勇敢

船首 双语例句

1. 帆船就像精致布景上一位精致的美人,峭直的船首和成排的大炮给这图画添色不少。
    The ship was a thing of exquisite beauty in an exquisite setting, and her bluff bows and her rows of guns added something else to the picture.

2. 船首的近义词

2. 很抱歉,我没有找到我保留的早期的准备龙骨,龙骨帮木,内龙骨和船首的照片。
    Sorry, I did not find in my reserve the early photos of preparing the keel, deadwood, keelson and stem.

3. 船首船体外壳的前面部份;船头
    The forward part of a ship's hull; the bow.

4. 艏饰在船首最高处的弯曲的、纸卷一样的装饰物,形状象提琴颈
    A curved, scroll-like ornamentation at the top of a ship's bow that resembles the neck of a violin.

5. 此情此景若非无法追忆,恐怕早已印入脑海,难以忘记了。船桨缓缓划过水面,船首掠过河水溅起片片水花;同黑色肃穆的驳船擦身而过时,船公偶尔发出低沉嘶哑的呼声;只有这桨声、水声、叫声才会打破异常的沉寂。借着微弱稀疏的灯光可见阳台和雕刻精美的拱门。而当船驶出大运河,穿梭入狭小的水道时,宁静和幽暗越发强烈凝重;放眼两岸房屋林立;抬头仰望,明净的夜空布满星辰,荡得碧波星光粼粼——数以千计的游客试图描绘出这一切,但却无法言尽其魔力、神秘和美丽。
    The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.

6. 锚离底,降下锚球,在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位,大副和木匠在船首了头。
    The anchor being aweigh, the anchor being lowered, under the guidance of the pilot, the ship sailed to berth. The chief mate and carpenter outlooked on the bow.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 为了识别,从船首到船尾或从船尾到船首分别用0,…。。。
    In order to identify, from bow to stern or the bow from stern to respectively 0, .....

8. 所以他们的住处在船首的顶部
    So their quarters are in the tip of the bow.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. 你能看到船首逐渐变窄
    You can see the bow tapering in.

10. 我们会从这个角度接近船首。。
    We were approaching the bow from this angle.

11. 船首斜桅部分:位于船壳内部的船首斜桅部分
      The part of a bowsprit that is inside the hull.

12. 船首

12. 就在我处于一个大浪的顶峰时,大船也正好俯身越过另一个大浪,船首的第一根斜桅恰好在我的正上方。
      I was on the summit of one swell when the schooner came stooping over the next. The bowsprit was over my head.

13. 船首的反义词

13. 一条能在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之间调整的支索;控制着桅杆的弯曲度。
      A adjustable stay from the foremast to the deck or bowsprit; controls the bending of the mast.

14. 一条能在前桅到甲板或船首斜桅之间调整的支索;控制着桅杆的弯曲度。
      The middle part of the deck of a ship between the forecastle and the quarterdeck.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 在船首安装有1台功率为700kw,带固定桨叶的电动艏侧推,转速分为3级。
      Bow Thruster 艏侧推 In the fore body one electric-operated bow thruster of 700 kW with fixed propeller blades will be installed.

16. 船首的反义词

16. 每条参赛的船首船尾都装饰成龙的形状,在有节奏的鼓声和热闹的喧嚣声伴奏下,百舸竞发,力争上游。
      Today, boats decorated with dragon heads and tails compete with each other in a race that is accompanied by a great deal of drum beating and noise.

17. 油轮爆炸着火后,船舯桥楼前的向船首的上甲板烧毁,甲板桥楼和桅倒塌,船舯桥楼严重烧毁,船舯桥楼后的二根桅倾倒,船体炸毁,变形,破裂,以致海水进入空的货油舱,造成油轮下沉并搁浅。
      Water entered into the empty cargo oil tanks so that the oil tanker sank and stranded.

18. 网和带子藏在船首楼里,你可以向值班副要。
      The nets and tapes are stored in the forecastle cabin. You may ask the Duty Officer for them.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 比尔,这是船首的锚
      Bill, it is bow anchor.

20. 最后我为模型制作了一些细节,比如船舵上的铆钉,大炮,炮眼上的盖子,拴锚的绳索和船首的锚架等等
      Finally I made the small details on the model, for example: the rivets on the rudder, cannons, lidsupon the gunports, anchor cables and catheads, and so on....

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