
血口是什么意思 血口在线翻译 血口什么意思 血口的意思 血口的翻译 血口的解释 血口的发音 血口的同义词 血口的反义词 血口的例句


血口 基本解释


血口 双语例句

1. 我慢慢打开我的左手,却发现我的左手不知什么时候沥出一道道血口,还不住的流着血,原来幸福是把锋利的剑,在握住那一瞬间,就已经把我仅剩的左手划的满手是伤,让我的左手失去了握住幸福的力气,此时此刻的我已经无法用脸上表情来描述此时此刻我的心情。
    I slowly opened my left hand, and discovered slits that were not there before, seeping blood. I realized that happiness is a sharp dagger, the moment I held on to it, I had wounded my left hand, taking away it's strenght to grasp happiness. Right now I cannot use facial expressions to decribe my emotions.

2. 避开众人,把她占为己有?不,作为统帅,你不能为此把阿开亚人的儿子们推向战争的血口
    It is not well that you, the ruler of the Achaeans, should bring them into such misery.

3. 求你从狮子的血口救我脱身,由野牛角下救出我这苦命人。
    Save me from the lion's mouth, my poor life from the horns of wild bulls.

4. 这是银行从国家那里血口还价的一部分而已。
    It is part of the monstrous bargain that bankers have extracted from the state (see our special report this week).

5. 鲁班又试着用茅草在他的手指上拉了一下,果然又划开一道血口
    Lu also tried to grass in his fingers pulled under, was also designated to work together to open the mouth of blood.

6. 那个叫大侠风采旳人你看明白没我做ㄋ这么久旳翻译专业旳口译和笔译因为近日不忙所以上网翻译点东西 just for fun,你别血口喷人,我从来不用机器翻译,也非常痛恨那些用机器翻译旳人靠这个挣分。。。
    I've been a translator and interpreter for 2 years after my graduation from university and I got the certificate for CATTI level 2---the highest level for translator qualification test, I always detest some bloody idiots like you--the ones who favors machine translation...

7. 血口的近义词

7. 你也不要以为自己学的好就可以血口喷人!
    I only want to tell you that you'll lose in your exams for ccer!

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 哈利:你在血口喷人,姨父!
    Harry: That`s a dirty lie, uncle!

9. 血口的意思

9. 千万别得罪她,她经常血口喷人。
    Take carenot to offend her. She always smites with the tongue.

10. 血口的翻译

10. 千万别得罪她,她经常血口喷人。
    She always smites with the tongue.

11. 你血口喷人,不讲道理。
      You're slinging mud at me -- that's a pack of lies!

12. 血口的翻译

12. 你居然敢这样血口喷人!
      How the hell dare you spout such bullshit!

13. 血口的反义词

13. 哈利:你在血口喷人,姨父!拜托你停下来!
      Harry: that's a dirty lie, uncle! Please stop!

14. 真可恶,一点都不同情人,也不问是否打伤了什么的,还血口喷人,还骂我说你肯定脑袋有问题,不然怎会在这儿瞎说,气得我瞪大眼睛想与她理论,没想到走出一个男人来,说你假如却实是被那些拖把打到了,也不关我们的事啊,我是气得没话说,由于急着去接女儿放学,不想再与他们理论,可是回到家里越想越觉得委屈,但没造成重伤事故又不能告他们,想打记者热线让记者来了解事情缘由让其登报说说我的委屈又怕小题大做了。
      Really abhorrent, did not sympathize with a person, also pay no attention to what what mauled, return venomously slander, still scold me to say you are sure the head has a problem, can be here how otherwise talk rubbish, gas gets my pop eye to want as academic as her, did not think of to walk out of a man to come, say if you are solid however be be hit by those mop, the issue that also does not involve us, I am so angry that do not have a word to say, because rapid move goes receiving a daughter to classes are over, do not think again as academic as them, but answer, want to feel to subdue more more in the home, but did not cause the accident that weigh an injury to cannot accuse them again, the grievance that wants to hit reporter hot line to let a reporter understand its reason to let its say me in the newspaper is afraid of again fussily.

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