
辽远是什么意思 辽远在线翻译 辽远什么意思 辽远的意思 辽远的翻译 辽远的解释 辽远的发音 辽远的同义词 辽远的反义词 辽远的例句


辽远 基本解释

辽远[liáo yuǎn]




辽远 汉英大词典

辽远[liáo yuǎn]

distant; remote; faraway:


    distant frontier regions;


    faraway places

辽远 双语例句

1. 我们向着辽远的天空,苍莽的高空,作势起飞。
    We are toward the endless sky, boundless high-altitude, as if to take off.

2. 在天地之间活相同的时间,走的路却可能完全不同,有人走得很远,看见很多美妙的景象,有的人却只是幽囚于斗室,至死也不明白世界有多么辽远阔大。
    Lives of the same duration may take different roads. Some people go long distances, seeing much beautiful scenery, while some imprison themselves in a small room, not knowing the vastness of the world.

3. 虽然整个地区都生机勃勃,可是当你漫步在这片辽阔的高原上,会被一种辽远而空寂的气息所摄服。
    The whole area is so filled with life - yet there is a vastness, an emptiness, that siezes your soul while wandering the huge plateaus.

4. 他的征服带领帝国的兵锋扫荡了整个星河,一直推进到星系的辽远边界。
    By Ogryn standards he was a genius and said to have been able to write his own name, count, and even speak with reasonable fluency.

5. 忽然间万紫千蓝思绪迷离在耀眼的阳光下舒缓地脉动比醇酒还浓烈辽远胜过音乐发酵着爱情苦涩的橙红!
    Where, suddenly dyeing the bluenesses, deliriums And slow rhythrns under the gleams of the daylight, Stronger than alcohol, vaster than music Fernent the bitter redinesses of love!

6. 一切事物都跟一切其他事物有联系,从最辽远广阔的空间里的星星到脚下沙粒中千千万万个原子,其间都有联系。
    All things were related to all other things from the farthermost star in the wastes of space to the myriads of atoms in the grain of sand under one's foot.

7. 在辽阔的海面上,我凝视到了你辽远的目光。
    In the garden of the sea, i see you looking over, with my wistful melody.

8. 刘骐鸣的画面是空旷而寂寥、静谧而辽远的。
    Liu Qiming`s paintings are open and lonely, quiet and distant.

9. 远望无数秋山,山上的落叶飘零了,浩渺的天空此时显得更加辽远阔大,澄净如玉的澄江在快阁亭下淙淙流过,一弯新月,映照在江水中,显得更加空明澄澈。
    Yuan Wang numerous Akiyama, Falling leaves in the mountains, vast sky at this time is even more wide Liaoyuan, Cheng Jing Chengjiang of jade in the fast-Ting Kok under the stream water features, Yi Wan crescent, reflecting in the river, appears to be More clarity and air out.

10. 这会儿在有灯光的温暖的屋子里头,自古以来的伦常和规矩好象都摆在这儿。对他来说,她变得愈加辽远而不可接近。
    Now, in the warm lamplit room, with its ancient implications of conformity and order, she seemed infinitely farther away from him and more unapproachable.

11. 但这是怎样辽远的想象啊!
      Oh, that is something of the distant past!

12. 辽远

12. 说是辽远的海的相思。
      It is called miss of distant sea.

13. 这事立即直接传到了最辽远地区的人群里。
      It was known directly, to the furthest confines of the crowd.

14. 但这是怎样辽远的想象啊!
      Yet what a distant image this is now!

15. 辽远

15. 但这是怎样辽远的想象啊!
      But how far away these images appeared!

16. 这是北京一年当中最好的季节,天空蓝得一泻千里;如果站在紫禁城的高处,能够看到辽远的燕山山脉,既高朗,又静远,整个城市都显得格外大气、通透。
      This is the best season of the year in Beijing when the sky is blue and clear.

17. 第 12 页蛮荒里有辽远的秀色,黑夜里有钻塔的灯明,目遇之而成景,眼瞥之而成色,构成了一幅幅壮美的画卷。
      There is boundless wilderness of beautiful sceneries; derricks lighting in dark night; eyes seeing are beautiful; these sites constitute a marvelous picture.

18. 辽远

18. 如果英国人想迁居国外,或者想把他的资本投放到国外地区,他宁可到比较辽远的、他的语言、法律和规章已经有了基础的那些地区,而决不会选中欧洲大陆的那些落后国家,他现在就是这样做的。
      If the Englishman took it into his head to emigrate, or to invest his capital elsewhere than in England, he would as he now does prefer those more distant countries where he would find already existing his language, his laws, and regulations, rather than the benighted countries of the Continent.

19. 辽远的解释

19. 她自以为像海洋一样的有着雄魂的辽远茫漠的心,也不过就甘愿成了他的饮马池,饮他远道而来劳顿干渴的欲马。
      She thinks the same like the sea has a male soul of the distant desert Mang heart, it will only be willing to become his yinma pool, drinking, he came all the way from Lawton Thirsty For horses.

20. 辽远

20. 我不会操舟驾舵,可是倘使你在辽远辽远的海滨,我也会冒着风波寻访你这颗珍宝。
      I am no pilot, yet if you were as far as that vast shore washed by the furthest sea, I would risk the journey for such a prize.

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