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防护堤 基本解释



词典protection embankment防护堤。

词典fending groin防冲堤,防护堤。

词典fending groyne防护堤。

防护堤 双语例句

1. 防护堤是海岸工程和海港工程中常见的工程设施,它在保护海岸线免于海浪侵袭和保护港池作业安全方面发挥了非常重要的作用。
    Protection embankment is a common facility in coastal engineering and sea-port engineering, it plays an important role in protecting coastline from the invasion of the wave and providing safety operation for harbor basin.

2. 他说:即使我们有对抗海啸的防护堤,也毫无意义。
    Even if we have the protective wall against the tsunami, it is meaningless, he says.

3. 防护堤在线翻译

3. 水位已超出了筑来阻挡河水上涨的防护堤
    The water rose above defensive banks built to contain it.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 天津北疆电厂防护堤软基筑坝技术研究
    Study of technique of soft ground damming of protection embankment for Tianjin North Boundary Power Plant

5. 依法被批准在岸滩设置废弃物堆放场和处理场的,应当建造防护堤,防止废弃物流失入海。
    Those who have been approved by law to set up waste yards and treatment facilities along seashores and beaches shall build dikes to prevent the wastes from entering the sea.

6. 装满沙土的袋子,用作压载物以筑造防护堤,或者作为武器。
    A bag filled with sand and used as ballast, in the formation of protective walls, or as a weapon.

7. 水库泄降对防护堤的应力和沉降分布也有影响,应力和沉降随着水库泄降而增大。
    The reservoir drawdown also affects stress and settlement distribution of the protection embankment, and both the stress and settlement progressively increase with the reservoir level drops.

8. 当水库水位下降速度超过0.6m/d时,防护堤边坡抗滑安全系数显著降低;
    When the rate of the reservoir drawdown is higher than 0.6m/day, the safety factor decreases distinctly.

9. 防护堤的解释

9. 依据滨海开发区的一些特点及其具体情况,加强建设沿海防护堤,经过数据分析,设计并确定防护堤的挡潮闸方法,达到泄洪、挡潮和蓄水的功能。
    Based on some of the features of the coastal zone and its specific circumstances, to strengthen the construction of coastal protection embankment, through data analysis, design, and determine the method of protection embankment tidal gates reach the spillway, block the tide and water features.

10. 针对三峡库区丰都名山防护堤的设计与研究,通过渗流计算、稳定计算、应力应变计算,对防护堤结构形式、构造措施进行了分析比较。
    The design and study of a protecting dyke structure in deep overburden is of universal significance. In this paper, an attempt is made to carry out a comparative analysis of dyke structural forms and related measures by seepage, stability and stress-strain calculations.

11. 计算结果表明,水位下降速度大于0.3m/d后,防护堤应采取有效的导渗排水和反滤措施,以免防护堤发生渗透变形。
      Calculation results show that effective measures for drainage and filtration should be taken in the embankment to avoid seepage failure when the stage's descending speed is greater than 0.3 m/day.

12. 防护堤的解释

12. 沿海防护堤以南,将成为沿海湿地恢复、滩涂生态养殖、原盐生产价格等产业基地,可为潍坊北部沿海地区开发带来更大的发展空间,保持该区域可持续发展的巨大潜力。
      Coastal dikes to the south of the coastal wetland restoration, intertidal ecological farming, crude salt production and processing industry base, can bring greater development space for Weifang northern coastal development, the great potential to maintain the sustainable development of the region.

13. 防护堤

13. 行刑是预防和打击犯罪的最后一道防护堤,在三大刑事法中占据着极其重要的地位。
      Execution is the last protection bank to strike with crimes, is at important position in three big criminal laws.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 如果能够把滨海开发区的沿海防护堤有效建成,将在沿海地区建设成一道安全屏障,为滨海新城增添一条优美的景观长廊。
      To the coastal zone of coastal dikes to effectively completed the construction in coastal areas as a security barrier, the Marina Metro adds a beautiful landscape promenade.

15. 当水库水位下降速度超过0.6m/d时,防护堤边坡抗滑安全系数显著降低;
      When the rate of the reservoir drawdown is higher than 0.6m / day, the safety factor decreases distinctly.

16. 计算结果表明,水位下降速度大于0.3m/d后,防护堤应采取有效的导渗排水和反滤措施,以免防护堤发生渗透变形。
      Calculation results show that effective measures for drainage and filtration should be taken in the embankment to avoid seepage failure when the stage ′ s descending speed is greater than 0.3 m / day.

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