
馋涎欲滴是什么意思 馋涎欲滴在线翻译 馋涎欲滴什么意思 馋涎欲滴的意思 馋涎欲滴的翻译 馋涎欲滴的解释 馋涎欲滴的发音


馋涎欲滴 基本解释

馋涎欲滴[chán xián yù dī]

词典mouth drooling with greed馋涎欲滴。

词典lick one's chops舔嘴唇(自喜或期待某事物);馋涎欲滴。

词典mouth watering馋涎欲滴。

馋涎欲滴 汉英大词典

馋涎欲滴[chán xián yù dī]

mouth drooling with greed; lick one's chops; mouth watering:


    lick one's chops;

    他抬起头来, 一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。

    He raised his head, with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes.

馋涎欲滴 网络解释

1. make one's mouth water:eight treasures in winter melon soup 八宝冬瓜汤 | 1>make one's mouth water 馋涎欲滴 | 2>the desire for food and sex is part of human nature. 食色性也

2. chan xian yu di:69.察言观色 cha yan guan se | 70.馋涎欲滴 chan xian yu di | 71.长途跋涉 chang tu ba she

馋涎欲滴 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 他馋涎欲滴地望着那塞满五香碎肉的一束束发亮的腊肠,并且安详地吸着调了香料做熟的猪血所发散出来的温暾气儿。
    The shiny links, packed with forcemeat, fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pigs'blood.

2. 馋涎欲滴是什么意思

2. 陆娭毑家里的红薯片要说最合我的口味了,吃起来甘甜而苏脆,加之橙红的色泽有一种吸引眼球的魅力,让人馋涎欲滴
    In the landhusband's family's home sweet potato piece must say most suited mytaste, ate sweet and is crisp, adds the orange-red luster to have onekind to attract the eyeball the charm, let the person mouth drippingwith greed.

3. 各种各样的馅能满足各类人们的口感喜好,再加上南方得天独厚宽大碧绿的粽叶配上小巧玲珑的模样,让人一看就有一种馋涎欲滴的感觉。。。
    All kinds of people can meet the taste preferences, together with the South blessed clemency Green Zongye配上Xiaoqiaolinglong form, people see a Chanxianyudi have the feeling...

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 它才离开那窝崽子,正在凶狠地偷偷溜到我的腿后面,呲牙咧嘴地,白牙上馋涎欲滴
    This was Zillah, the stout housewife; who at length issued forth to inquire into the nature of the uproar.

5. 这些菜看上去令人馋涎欲滴,但布丁好不好,吃了才知道。
    These dishes look very tempting, but of course, the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

6. 他抬起头来,一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。
    He raised his head, with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes

7. 他抬起头来,一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。
    He raised his head, with a look of unrestra in ed greed in his covetous eyes

8. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

8. 一看到这个,他不禁馋涎欲滴
    The sight brought the water to his mouth.

9. 牛肉的香味使我馋涎欲滴
    The delicious smell of the beef made my mouth water.

10. 这张单子上列的配料听起来令人馋涎欲滴
    The list of ingredients sounds very appetizing.

11. 深州蜜桃产于衡水深州市,其主要特点是个头大(每个重约250克左右),果型秀美,色泽淡黄中又衬有鲜红色,皮薄肉细,汁多甜美,香气四溢,令人馋涎欲滴
      Peach State produced in the deep deep Hengshui City, the main characteristics of large size (each weighing about 250 grams), fruit-based beautiful, light yellow in color and has bright red lining, thin fine meat, juicy and sweet, Shannon gas overflowing, it is mouth drooling with greed.

12. 他呆呆地坐在一旁,馋涎欲滴
      He had to sit lonely on the side with his mouth waterin.

13. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

13. 换句话来说,这是一款经典、古老、完美、让人馋涎欲滴的予厄白葡萄酒。
      In other words, a classic, old, complete, mouthwatering Huet.

14. danci.911chaxun.com

14. 他馋涎欲滴地望着那塞满五香碎肉的一束束发亮的腊肠,并且安详地吸着调了香料做熟的猪血所发散出来的温暾气儿。
      The shiny links packed with forcemeat fed his gaze and he breathed in tranquilly the lukewarm breath of cooked spicy pig's blood.

15. 他抬起头来,一对贪婪的眼光露出馋涎欲滴的神情。
      He raised his head, with a look of unrestrained greed in his covetous eyes.

16. 我想要一点儿那些让人馋涎欲滴的草萄派。
      I want some of that mouth-watering strawberry pie.

17. 店铺橱窗里摆的馅饼使小汤米馋涎欲滴
      The pies in the store window made Little Tommy's mouth water.

18. 馋涎欲滴的解释

18. 玛丽收集民歌唱片,商店橱窗里的那些唱片使她馋涎欲滴
      Mary collects folk song records; and the records in the store window made her mouth water.

19. 过去我每见芦笋,常常馋涎欲滴
      My mouth had often watered at the sight of them.

20. 馋涎欲滴的翻译

20. 狮子馋涎欲滴地想要是公牛没有角就好了,那他就能很快把他给吃掉。
      He thought greedily that if only the bull didn't have horns, then he could soon finish him off.

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