
AIDS是什么意思 AIDS在线翻译 AIDS什么意思 AIDS的意思 AIDS的翻译 AIDS的解释 AIDS的发音 AIDS的同义词 AIDS的反义词 AIDS的例句 AIDS的相关词组

AIDS [eɪdz]  [eɪdz] 


AIDS 基本解释

abbr.艾滋病,获得性免疫缺乏综合症(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

AIDS 相关例句


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. The young scientist made some important discoveries in AIDS research.

AIDS 情景对话

Getting pregnant-(怀孕)

B:I really think we should make sure we use a condom from now on.


B:You don’t know how scared we were about getting pregnant last time.

A:I suppose that’s true.


B:We’re really stupid not to use one.


A:I got tested for AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STD) two months before we started dating. You know that.

B:I know, but it can take up to six months for some STDs to show up on the test. We shouldn’t take any more chances.

A:All right, you’re right.



AIDS 网络解释

1. AIDS的近义词

1. 爱滋:当然,人类社会的必然规律既是道德和法律准则,宁缺勿滥,修心养性者智. 且不论种子与土地之优势逆汰,爱滋(Aids)病则防不胜防,不可逆转走向死亡.......

2. 艾兹病:人口研究中心、经济学研究中心、老龄研究中心、不动产研究中心、生物学研究中心、物质结构研究室、诺顿研究所、社会科学数据中心、工程学研究所、药物学研究所、计算机资源研究所、生物医学研究所、癌症研究中心、艾兹病(AIDS)研究中心、生物伦理

3. aids:acqured immune deficiency syndrome; 获得性免疫缺陷综合征

4. aids:after i doing something; 艾滋病


5. aids:acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; 爱滋病

AIDS 词典解释

1. 艾滋病;获得性免疫缺陷综合征
    AIDS is a disease which destroys the natural system of protection that the body has against other diseases. AIDS is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'acquired immune deficiency syndrome'.


AIDS 单语例句

1. Ryan had been infected with AIDS by contaminated blood transfusions in 1984.

2. Medical experts say people cannot get AIDS or any other diseases by giving blood via a standard donation system.

3. The girl surnamed Gao from the central province of Henan lost her parents after they contracted AIDS by selling blood.

4. Conflict, ethnic cleansing and AIDS are increasing these numbers by the day and creating younger widows.

5. Alarmed by the rising numbers, the government's Planning Commission has recommended prostitution be legalized to help fight AIDS.

6. The UN AIDS agency says the number of infections could rise tenfold to 10 million by 2010 if urgent action is not taken.

7. Annan and others called for men to be involved in reducing the number of AIDS cases among women.

8. Health authorities and AIDS activist groups say the stigmatization surrounding the virus and resulting reluctance to be tested is especially alarming.

9. Landmark studies from three African countries including Uganda previously found circumcision lowered men's chance of catching the AIDS virus by up to 60 percent.

10. China Central Television's news channel Thursday showed a boy with AIDS in north China's Liaoning province prevented from going to school.

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