
Huashan Mountain是什么意思 Huashan Mountain在线翻译 Huashan Mountain什么意思 Huashan Mountain的意思 Huashan Mountain的翻译 Huashan Mountain的解释

Huashan Mountain

Huashan Mountain 双语例句

1. F: I must paint Mt. Huashan, because in Chinese painting Fan Kuan`s Xishan Travel Picture reflects the mountain appearance of Mt. Huashan?

2. Huashan Mountain的意思

2. Although it is only 840 meters above sea level, its steepness is comparable to that of the Huashan Mountain.

3. That in Huashan and Tai Mountain, It snows on tall strata while pine trees in snowforest ofnortheast which with icicles.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. Zhao Zhongyao, dean of Physics department, who was asked to buy a Vande Graff Machine in America for present Wu, the lab was located at the foot of Jiu Huashan Mountain, which was the earliest research base of atomic science.
    1947年,中大物理系主任赵忠尧受吴校长之托,在美国购得可供原子能研究之机器,即Vande Graff Machine 一台,实验室设在九华山下,成为我国最早的原子科学研究基地。

5. Article considered that the prospect of tin polymetallic deposit s was optimistic in Northern Guangxi through collecting information and analyzing the results of geological survey items, prospect areas were divided into 2 areas (Jiuwan mountain, Yuecheng mountain) and 3 zones (Danchi, Guanyinge, Huashan-Guposhan), the exploration should focus on the 3 zones.
    文章通过对前人资料的收集整理,结合大调查项目的找矿成果和信息分析,认为桂北地区锡多金属找矿前景乐观,远景区可划分为二区三带(丹池、观音阁、花山—姑婆山),找矿重点应放在 3条成矿带上。

6. At Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi Province, where tourists were trapped on mountaintop a day earlier, no more than 800 tickets were sold each hour yesterday.

7. Huashan Mountain的意思

7. On the Reasons of the Decaying of the Old Famous Trees in Huashan Mountain and the Countermeasures to it The main causes of mortality were shock, septicemia and respiratory failure.

8. Huashan is a very high mountain.

9. Combining with the questionnaire survey of Huashan Mountain tourism, this paper gives out a primary analysis on the tourist markets structure and tourists behavior.

10. Huashan Mountain的翻译

10. This paper provides an analysis of the status of the vegetation landscape on Huashan Mountain and an current conditions evaluation.

11. An analysis of fault scarps on North Huashan Mountain front and the recurrence intervals of larger earthquakes

Huashan Mountain 单语例句

1. This path may be the most dangerous section of the mountain, but the experience is a crucial part of a Huashan adventure.

2. We drove to the foot of Huashan Mountain in the intense heat of summer.

3. He and his fellow Chinese researchers analyzed records of Huashan Mountain dating back 50 years, and observed a trend of reduced precipitation and increased aerosols.

4. About 100 firefighters in Shaanxi province were trying to bring a forest fire on Huashan Mountain under control yesterday that had been raging since Monday.

5. Wang Zhicheng from Chongqing won the first stop of the Famous Mountain China climbing contest on Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi province on Thursday.

6. The most infuriating case that sparked public worry about safety involved an incident at Huashan Mountain in Huayin city of Northwest China's Shaanxi province.

7. The first contest will be held at Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi province in September.

8. Renowned composer Meng Qingyun has released a series of songs dedicated to Huashan Mountain, one of China's most famous peaks.

9. And dozens of thousands of travelers were stranded atop Huashan Mountain in Shaanxi province on Tuesday night.

10. Huashan Mountain was not the only scenic area that received an excessive number of visitors.

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