
Lombard street是什么意思 Lombard street在线翻译 Lombard street什么意思 Lombard street的意思 Lombard street的翻译 Lombard street的解释

Lombard street

Lombard street 基本解释



Lombard street 网络解释

1. 九曲花街:下午参观世界上最弯曲的街道--九曲花街(Lombard street). 当初在十九世纪二十年代的时候,是为了使繁忙的交通有所喘息而设计建造的,如今却成为旧金山最吸引人的一条街. 接着游览唐人街、卡斯储大街、以及引人入胜的艺术宫等.

2. 伦巴第街:他的伟大著作<<伦巴第街>>(Lombard Street)发表于1873年,书中阐述的一个理念此后就一直是央行在危机时刻的指导格言:凭良好抵押品以高利率自由放贷,也是从那本书开始的.

3. Lombard street

3. 伦敦金融中心:Loan shark: 放高利贷者 | Lombard street: 伦敦金融中心 | Lull: 暂时呆滞时期 an economic lull, lull in business

Lombard street 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. I had one like that when we lived in Lombard street west.

2. With its twists and turns, Lombard Street is known as the most crooked in the world.

3. Lombard street的解释

3. We were in Lombard street west.

4. And when the painters were in Lombard street west.

5. Two men ride their bicycles down Lombard Street, said to be the city`s crookedest public thoroughfare.

6. As Charles Dumas of Lombard Street Research remarks, China is in a solipsistic bubble.

7. Lombard street是什么意思

7. But with all due respect, many in San Francisco would rather you do your fawning from a distance. Traffic is bad enough without the double-decker tourist buses blocking the view atop Lombard Street or clogging the Golden Gate Bridge.

8. Lombard street的意思

8. Meanwhile, the policy response to inflation was a prolonged administrative squeeze on credit during 2011 that has slowed the economy to a 6 per cent annual rate of growth in the two latest quarters (as re-estimated by Lombard Street Research).

9. Lombard street的意思

9. The day after the Bank of England declined support, Overend suspended cash payments and the run turned into a riot - with 10 further banks suspending payments, 200 companies defaulting and " throngs heaving and tumbling about Lombard Street ".

10. Hope always remains, and in the face of a sharp US slowdown, that hope is called decoupling, says Gabriel Stein of Lombard Street Research in London, who describes this hope as a very weak reed to rely on.

11. Lombard street

11. Lombard Street Research estimates that the renminbi is between 15 and 25 per cent above fair value.

12. Lombard street的近义词

12. Charles Dumas of London-based Lombard Street research brings this point out in an analysis with which I have great sympathy.

13. Lombard Street Research estimates its own quarterly real GDP growth for China, which suggests that the official data could be understating the extent of the slowdown in the first quarter.

14. Indeed, Charles Dumas of London-based Lombard Street Research argues that euro membership has encouraged Germany into a costly mercantilist strategy at the expense of its people and the productivity of the economy.

15. It's Lombard Street to a China orange against Smith winning the scholarship.

16. Lombard street

16. The best-known streets of London are Fleet Street, the Strand, Piccadilly, Whitehall, Pall Mall, Downing Street, and Lombard Street.

17. A consequence, Charles Dumas of Lombard Street research points out, is that the US requirement for foreign inflows is shrinking along with its current account deficit.

18. Lombard street

18. Charles Dumas, chairman of the London-based consultancy Lombard Street research, says capital flowing into emerging markets is more to do with investors escaping dismal returns in the rich economies than any well-founded confidence about growth.

19. Lombard street的翻译

19. " Profitability and business cash flow are strong in most countries, so that the default condition is for markets to rise, " says Charles Dumas, director at Lombard Street research.

20. Lombard street的解释

20. Charles Dumas, an economist at Lombard Street Research, estimated net outflows of $ 300 billion over the same period.

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