
Vietnam是什么意思 Vietnam在线翻译 Vietnam什么意思 Vietnam的意思 Vietnam的翻译 Vietnam的解释 Vietnam的发音 Vietnam的同义词 Vietnam的反义词

Vietnam [ˌvjet'næm]  [ˌvjet'næm] 

Vietnam 基本解释


Vietnam 网络解释

1. 越南:r)获MTV电影奖最有希望女演员提名 1992年 获美国明日之星奖1992年获金球奖最佳女配角奖提名 1985年 因电视连续剧<<越南>>(Vietnam)获澳大利亚电影学院最佳女演员奖.年轻时的Keith Urban就已经向人们展示了自己过人的音乐才华,

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 越南社会主义共和国:越南社会主义共和国(Vietnam) 建国门外光华路32号 6532-1155蒙古(Mongolia) 建国门外秀水北街2号 6532-1203卡塔尔(Qatar) 建国门外大街齐家园外交公寓5-1别墅 6532-2231阿富汗伊斯兰国(Afghanistan) 三里屯东直门外大街8号 6532-1582阿曼(Oman) 三里屯亮马河南路6号 6532-3276巴勒斯坦(Palestine) 三里屯东三街2号 6532-136

3. Vietnam的意思

3. 越南越南越南越南:e) 新加坡市新加坡市新加坡市新加坡市(Singapore)I 01 泰国泰国泰国泰国(Thailand) 曼谷曼谷曼谷曼谷(Bangkok)I 02 泰国泰国泰国泰国(Thailand) 清迈清迈清迈清迈(Chiang Mai)J01 越南越南越南越南(Vietnam) 河内河内河内河内

4. 亚洲 越南:109 亚洲 乌兹别克斯坦 UZBEKISTAN 998 | 110 亚洲 越南 VIETNAM 84 | 111 欧洲 南斯拉夫-黑山 YUGOSLAVIA-MONTENEGRO 382

Vietnam 单语例句

1. Zhang wrapped up his domestic business last year and began selling sewing machines to Chinese firms starting factories in Vietnam and Cambodia.

2. They signed cooperation agreements on plant and animal quarantine, and an agreement on China to provide favorable loan and export buyer's credit to Vietnam.

3. " There is not much hope for the missing, " a district official in Vietnam's southernmost province of Ca Mau told Reuters.

4. Commission officials said Monday that they were still calculating the scale of the increase for Vietnam.

5. The band has recorded three albums and in early 2010 and 2011, it carried out two successful tours in Vietnam and Cambodia.

6. Hai and the others who came with her will be deported to Vietnam.

7. Vietnam said Friday its Navy would carry out two exercises totaling nine hours Monday in an area off the country's central Quang Nam province.

8. Hutchison said the buyout would allow the phone company to plough cash back into expanding its operations in emerging markets including Indonesia and Vietnam.

9. It also has sparked an outcry from Vietnam, which faces similar penalties for catfish exports and has called the US effort protectionist.

10. It will also establish its own center in Vietnam to localize the interface of the operating system and release products for its home market.

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