
agitation是什么意思 agitation在线翻译 agitation什么意思 agitation的意思 agitation的翻译 agitation的解释 agitation的发音 agitation的同义词

agitation [ˌædʒɪˈteɪʃn]  [ˌædʒɪˈteʃən] 


agitation 基本解释

名词激动; 搅动,搅拌; 煽动,鼓动; [医]兴奋

agitation 相关例句


1. agitation

1. She was in great agitation.

agitation 网络解释

1. agitation

1. 搅拌:要避免过热(overheating)及弧光(arcing),铝挂具会形成氧化物层可用苛性钠(caustic soda)溶解掉再用3.冷却(coolin)及搅拌(agitation),阳极处理会放出热量,

2. 搅动:在微矩阵实验中,除了可增强信号外,搅动(agitation)可缩短保温时间,而不会损失信号强度. 为了证明这个优点,我们进行了保温1-22小时的时间梯度实验(Fig 6). 实验条件和上文所述的类似. 然而,每块载玻片仅用了10 ug Cyanine-5标记的肝cDNA,

3. 煽动:20世纪60年代以来,有相当多的苏格兰民族主义者煽动(agitation)要求成立一个独立的国会或议会,这样,苏格兰人在计划和管理自己的事务才有更大的权利. 为确定苏格兰人是否真的想要自己的议会,1979年伊始英国政府在苏格兰举办了一次公投作为回应.

4. 激动:老年人的精神科急症张景瑞 国泰综合医院精神科 老年人求诊於急诊的问题中,约有5%为各类精神及行为问题(1),有些如焦躁不安,激动(agitation),游走或走失,自我忽视(self-neglect)等,不至於立即危及生命.本文将集中讨论可能危及生命的三大急症:谵妄(delirium),

agitation 词典解释

1. 焦虑;烦恼;不安
    If someone is in a state of agitation, they are very worried or upset, and show this in their behaviour, movements, or voice.


    e.g. Danny returned to Father's house in a state of intense agitation...
    e.g. Diane lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.

agitation 单语例句

1. She used an expression that called for no less than political agitation.

2. Due to the agitation by the traders and vendors, the markets were without fresh supplies creating a severe shortage of vegetables and fruits.

3. The blunder was unveiled after the father of one of the swapped babies expressed his agitation on his blog.

4. The court ruled that the articles defamed China's central government and amounted to agitation aimed at toppling it.

5. With agitation from politicians and the media, our youths are getting more restive by the day.

6. Such frustrations sometimes gave way to agitation, manifested in several conspicuous confrontations with the government.

7. Riggs hounds Murtaugh to jam his foot on the gas much to the driver's agitation.

8. As the fight intensified, the rebels betrayed agitation for the first time.

agitation 英英释义


1. the act of agitating something
    causing it to move around (usually vigorously)

2. disturbance usually in protest

    Synonym: excitementturmoilupheavalhullabaloo

3. the feeling of being agitated
    not calm

4. a state of agitation or turbulent change or development

    e.g. the political ferment produced new leadership
           social unrest

    Synonym: fermentfermentationtempestuousnessunrest

5. a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

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