
air force是什么意思 air force在线翻译 air force什么意思 air force的意思 air force的翻译 air force的解释 air force的发音 air force的同义词

air force [eə(r) fɔ:s]  [er fɔrs] 

第三人称复数:air forces

air force 基本解释

名词空军,美国空军; 航空队(AF)

air force 反义词

air force 网络解释

1. 空军:想想<<变形金刚:卷土重来>>中,美军中,空军(Air Force)直接动用了2架A-10 6架F-16与跳伞队还有数架大力神运输机;陆军直接动用了2架M1A2坦克与M3装甲车,还更有刚刚从伊拉克阿富汗战场上回来的现役军人;海军动用了驱逐舰航空母舰等.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. (美国空军):--一份值得研读的美军战后最早的研究报告 司古 编者按:旧书堆里偶然发现的一本老书--1945年12月号美国<<空军>>(Air Force)杂志. 其中一篇文章发人深思,该文对二战日军航空兵装备、战术、管理等方面的失当进行了总结分析. 该文发表之时,

3. 空军系:Artillery : 战车系 | Air Force : 空军系 | Navy : 海军系

4. air force的近义词

4. 空气动力;风力:air foil 风道;烟道 | air force 空气动力;风力 | air fountain 气泉

air force 词典解释

1. 空军
    An air force is the part of a country's armed forces that is concerned with fighting in the air.

air force的意思

    e.g. ...the United States Air Force...
    e.g. Jack Mann was a Royal Air Force fighter pilot during World War II.

air force 单语例句

1. The regiment has been cited as " first class military training unit " by the air force of the Shenyang Military Area Command for four consecutive years.

2. The air force removed the nine combat pilots still in active duty after they signed their protest letter in September.

3. The spacecraft is due to be launched from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida November 26.

4. Firefighters hosed down the blackened carcass of the truck, and air force investigators gathered evidence.

5. William and Catherine currently live in north Wales, where the prince is based as a Royal Air Force search and rescue pilot.

6. The art ensemble of the Air Force Political Department will present the dance Our Sky at the National Center for the Performing Arts.

7. Most of the Flying Tigers were stationed in Chongqing, where the Nationalists'central government and Chennault's air force headquarters were located.

8. The Root Cyclone technology in Dyson vacuum cleaners separates dirt and dust from the air by centrifugal force and collecting it in a bin.

9. Chafer said the upcoming launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California would carry the partial remains of up to 150 people.

10. The Civil Aviation Bureau is formed and subject to the supervision of the air force.

air force 英英释义

air force在线翻译


1. the airborne branch of a country's armed forces

    Synonym: airforce

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