
alerting是什么意思 alerting在线翻译 alerting什么意思 alerting的意思 alerting的翻译 alerting的解释 alerting的发音 alerting的同义词

alerting [ə'lɜ:tɪŋ]  [ə'lɜ:tɪŋ] 


alerting 基本解释


动词使(某人)保持警觉( alert的现在分词 ); 使意识到; 提醒(某人)注意(某事); 使(部队)处于待命状态

alerting 网络解释

1. 提醒:注意:包括选定的业务类别和信道类型4.通话连接过程:TCH提配完成后,MS向网络发送提醒(ALERTING)消息. 6.连接:当被叫用户摘机后,即发送一条连接(CONNECT)消息给MSC. 7.连接证实:MSC收到用户连接消息后,并返回连接证实(CONNECT ACK).

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 发信号:当SMBALERT#有效时,主控器在PMBus上发送告警(alert)响应地址,然后每个发信号(alerting)的器件将其器件地址放在SDA上. 一旦器件成功地将其地址加入总线,它就会释放SMBALERT#线. SMBALERT#信号可以使从属设备(如负载点转换器)中断系统主机或总线的控制,

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 警告:Alert=警告 | Alerting=警告 | Alert Methods=警告方式

4. alerting

4. 提示注意:Adversary 对手 | Alerting 提示注意 | Appeal 申诉

alerting 单语例句


1. The China Banking Regulatory Commission has held a meeting alerting banks of the potential risks.

2. The colliery managers reportedly delayed alerting the incident to authorities while sending another 37 workers down the shaft for rescue work.

3. A gambler who was kidnapped by another card player and in danger of losing his fingers managed to escape his tormentor by alerting his wife.

4. BASIC's additional satellites will allow the photos to be updated more often, alerting US government users to potential trouble or natural disasters like floods.

5. A campus police officer found his interaction with the girls suspicious and investigated his background, ultimately alerting his parole officer.

6. The Ningxia meteorological station issued red warnings of rainstorms, alerting residents to the danger of possible floods in southern mountainous areas of the region.

7. Plainclothes officers rushed to the scene without their vehicle lights or sirens on to avoid alerting the kidnapper.

8. The State has been trying to do so by alerting investors to investment risks and stepping up the investor education.

9. Their assumption led to the calamitous delay in alerting the campus and community to the threat.

10. Sirens will sound and church bells will ring out, alerting 27 million Peruvians to synchronize their watches.

alerting 英英释义


1. a warning serves to make you more alert to danger

    Synonym: alert

2. a state of readiness to respond

    e.g. alerting was indicated by the desynchronization of the EEG

    Synonym: alertness

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