
ancient是什么意思 ancient在线翻译 ancient什么意思 ancient的意思 ancient的翻译 ancient的解释 ancient的发音 ancient的同义词 ancient的反义词

ancient [ˈeɪnʃənt]  [ˈenʃənt] 


ancient 基本解释


形容词古代的,已往的; 古老的,过时的; 年老的; 老式的

名词古代人; 古文明国的国民; <古>高龄老人; <古>旗手

ancient 相关例句


1. This is an ancient custom.

2. He drives an ancient car.

3. We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.

ancient 情景对话

Borrow books-(借书)

A:Can I help you?


B:Yes, I’m doing some research on Roman civilization. Do you have any books on the subject?

A:These books over here are about ancient history. They might be helpful.

B:Can I check this one out?

A:I’m sorry. It’s for reference only, so it must stay in the library. But you’re welcome to look through it.

B:Ok. And I’d like to check these books out.


A:All right. They’re due back next Wednesday.


B:Thanks for your help.

ancient 网络解释

1. 古老的:藉著固有之自然权利寻求回复既有之秩序关系例如 1689年英国权利法案 (Bill of Rights)表明为确认与说明他们古老的权利与自由,於本宣言所宣示与主张所有或单独的权利与自由是真实的(true)、古老的(ancient)与无可怀疑的(indubitable

2. 古树:周围的森林里四处是巨大的树,古树(Ancient)和许多森林野兽. 暗夜港已经存在了许多个世纪,哪怕是经历了恶魔和亡灵的攻击,暗夜精灵们还是牢牢地保住了自己的家园. 他们对那些进入这里的人非常警惕. 在这里高种精灵在任何情况下都是不被允许进入的,

ancient 词典解释

1. 远古的;古代的
    Ancient means belonging to the distant past, especially to the period in history before the end of the Roman Empire.

    e.g. They believed ancient Greece and Rome were vital sources of learning.

Salisbury Plain was known anciently as Ellendune.

2. 古老的;年代久远的
    Ancient means very old, or having existed for a long time.


    e.g. ...ancient Jewish tradition.
    e.g. ...ancient fishing rights.

3. 古代人;(尤指)古希腊人,古罗马人
    The ancients are the people of an old civilization, especially classical Greece or Rome.


    e.g. The ancients knew more than we do about the heavens.

ancient 单语例句

1. A businesswoman encounters danger and romance while investigating an ancient Scottish feud.

2. Compared to the crowded and bustling Lijiang Dayan ancient town, the glamour of this small village lies in its tranquility and original Naxi ethnic flavor.

3. The lanes around the tower are ancient, paved in stone and busy with merchants and pedestrians milling about.

4. But for ancient Chinese books, the way to restore them is unique.

5. Besides, you'll have a chance of touring the ancient Tunxi Street and buy some souvenir there.

6. Many ancient and modern Chinese hold to the belief that each person's character and fate are deeply affected by the year of their birth.

7. Audiences have been wowed by the excellent design and exquisite craftsmanship of ancient times.

8. To reproduce the ancient style of the Fuzhou horn comb, craftsmen had to polish every comb tooth by hand.

9. The more than 300 people on the temple project worked side by side, taking down the ancient temple piece by piece.

10. It's quite unusual as you normally see bluebells growing in ancient woodlands, but they also grow on north facing slopes by the sea.


ancient 英英释义


1. a person who lived in ancient times

2. a very old person

    Synonym: antediluvian


1. very old

    e.g. an ancient mariner

2. belonging to times long past especially of the historical period before the fall of the Western Roman Empire

    e.g. ancient history
           ancient civilizations such as those of the Etruscans and Sumerians
           ancient Greece

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