
anticipation是什么意思 anticipation在线翻译 anticipation什么意思 anticipation的意思 anticipation的翻译 anticipation的解释 anticipation的发音

anticipation [ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn]  [ænˌtɪsəˈpeʃən] 


anticipation 基本解释

名词期待,希望; 预期,预测,预感; <律>(信托财产收益的)预支

anticipation 相关例句


1. We are looking forward to their visit with eager anticipation.

2. Our anticipation of our competitors meant greater sales for our book.

3. Thank you in anticipation.

anticipation 网络解释

1. anticipation的解释

1. 期望:上世纪70年代,以其番茄调味酱闻名全球 的亨氏公司(Heinz)播出了一则电视广告,描 述了一个人正在等待浓稠的番茄酱从底朝天的 瓶子里流出的情景,而广告的背景音乐则是卡 尔利.西蒙(Carly Simon)的上榜曲目<<期 望>>(Anticipation).

2. 预判:在应对短传带来的威胁时,预判(Anticipation)也是一个有用的属性. 采用短传要求球员拥有优秀的传球(Passing)、预判(Anticipation)、视野(Vision)、创造性(Creativity)、站位(Positioning)和无球跑动(Off the Ball)属性,以及耐力(Stamina)属性.

3. 预见性:2003年,上诉人向加拿大卫生部申请许可生产Plavix的通用类型(generic version),认为它不会侵犯被上诉人的专利权,因为777号专利具有预见性(anticipation)、显而易见性(obviousness)和属于重复专利(double patenting)因而无效.

anticipation 词典解释

1. 预期;预料;期望;期盼
    Anticipation is a feeling of excitement about something pleasant or exciting that you know is going to happen.

    e.g. There's been an atmosphere of anticipation around here for a few days now...
    e.g. We await the next volume of this superb edition with keen anticipation.

2. 期待着;预计到
    If something is done in anticipation of an event, it is done because people believe that event is going to happen.


    e.g. Troops in the Philippines have been put on full alert in anticipation of trouble during a planned general strike.

anticipation 单语例句

1. Beijing especially has been buzzing with anticipation of a mass exodus of foreigners after the Games.

2. The gain suggests banks are hoarding cash in anticipation of further reserve ratio requirement increases.

3. In anticipation of the central government easing its tightening efforts on the economy, most mainland banking stocks saw a significant rise.

4. Goldman Sachs also adjusted its anticipations of consumer price index following lowering its anticipation of China's economic growth the day before yesterday.

5. Spot oil prices have been driven up sharply in anticipation of improved economic conditions.

6. The anticipation of the yuan's appreciation will help boost China's purchasing power of energy and raw material products and strengthen national and corporate competitiveness.

7. Having a creepy setting also heightens the anticipation of what could come next.

8. But as usual, anticipation runs high over the crosstalk and comic short plays.

9. With the Year of the Rooster soon to crow for the last time, the Year of the Dog is wagging its tail with anticipation.

10. Marketing General Manager Czarina Man said some stores in the mall have upped their stock supply in anticipation of more mainlanders.

anticipation 英英释义


1. the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)

    Synonym: predictionprevision

2. something expected (as on the basis of a norm)

    e.g. each of them had their own anticipations
           an indicator of expectancy in development

    Synonym: expectancy

3. an expectation

    Synonym: expectancy

4. anticipating with confidence of fulfillment

    Synonym: expectation

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