
expectancy是什么意思 expectancy在线翻译 expectancy什么意思 expectancy的意思 expectancy的翻译 expectancy的解释 expectancy的发音 expectancy的同义词

expectancy [ɪkˈspektənsi]  [ɪkˈspɛktənsi] 


expectancy 基本解释

名词期待,期望; 期望的东西

expectancy 网络解释

1. 期待:因此在听第二句时,心理上存在着期待(expectancy),预料句子的开头是主语(陈述句中)、疑问词(非凡疑问句中)、功能词(一般疑问句中)、动词(祈使句中)、连词(复合句中)等,于是会听成good day..., go there....

2. 期望:统合学习系统有三个哲学:期望(Expectancy)、多元化(Diversity)与整合(Integrity), 它相信每个学习者都是天才, 都有无穷的潜力, 每个人都用自己独特的方式在学习,它将个别差异视为资产而非负债; 学习只有在学习者产生共识并对过程投入时,

3. 期望值:弗罗姆认为:某一活动对于调动某一人的积极性,激发出人的内部潜力的激励的强度,取决于达成目标后对于满足个人的需要的价值的大小-效价(Valence)与他根据以往的经验进行判断能导致该结果的概率-期望值(Expectancy),即激发力量=效价×期望值.

expectancy 词典解释

1. 期待;期望
    Expectancy is the feeling or hope that something exciting, interesting, or good is about to happen.


    e.g. The supporters had a tremendous air of expectancy.

expectancy 单语例句


1. The Chancellor announced a new mechanism that will automatically raise the state pension age to make it consistent with life expectancy.

2. The average life expectancy of lesser pandas is about 13 years, and they reach adulthood at two years old.

3. Japan's population is aging as a result of longer life expectancy brought by economic growth and higher living standards.

4. But further increase in life expectancy is bound to increase the aging population, which in turn will add to the burden of individuals and society as a whole.

5. Vehicles that fail to meet the European No 1 standard for exhaust emissions could also be replaced even they are still within life expectancy.

6. But increasing life expectancy and a scarcity of babies in Japan have fuelled concern about how the world's oldest society will fund its pension requirements.

7. Miao said a wind power generator can usually run for 20 years, but the life expectancy would be greatly reduced if it were eroded by sandstorms.

8. He said that among the four primary factors influencing health and life expectancy, medical treatment accounts for only 8 percent and lifestyle accounts for 60 percent.

9. A healthy diet is still deemed the most important factor for longevity, while serious diseases like AIDS and tuberculosis lead to the low expectancy.

10. But as life expectancy increases in coming decades, the pension funds deficit will only rise as the number of pensioners soars.

expectancy 英英释义


1. something expected (as on the basis of a norm)

    e.g. each of them had their own anticipations
           an indicator of expectancy in development

    Synonym: anticipation

2. an expectation

    Synonym: anticipation

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