
armour是什么意思 armour在线翻译 armour什么意思 armour的意思 armour的翻译 armour的解释 armour的发音 armour的同义词 armour的反义词 armour的例句

armour ['ɑ:mə(r)]  [ˈɑrmɚ] 

armour 基本解释


名词装甲; 装甲部队; 甲胄,盔甲; 装甲车辆


armour 网络解释

1. 盔甲:  
面具(Mask/Bio Helmet):  

2. 装甲:南方圣殿应该是在此成立, 但是为了对抗德兹练金术士因此其位置反而是在狮鹫帝国的东北方.装备: 武器 (Weapon) , 装甲 (Armour) , 盾牌 (Shield)能力: 宗教狂热 (Fanticism) , 英勇 (Bravery) , 战争狂怒 (War Fury)军阶: 狮鹫菁英部队 (Griffin Elite) ,

3. 阿穆尔:例如,1909年,新泽西标准石油公司只生产煤油,杜邦只生产炸药;阿穆尔(Armour)则在进行肉食加工的同时生产骨胶、肥皂等副产品;通用电器公司(GE)由于行业技术特殊性,在生产发电机和照明产品的基础上,自然衍生出电动汽车、电烤箱、电冰箱等相关联的产品.

4. 护甲:玛斯坦克拥有强大的机体(HP)与火力(Damage),均衡的护甲(Armour),以及较薄弱的动力(Action)与能量(Power相当于虎式坦克的改进增强型. 玛斯以机械触角爬行的形式在地面行进,主武器使用一门威力强大、射距中等的双联装(双发)火炮进行战斗.

5. armour:(armour 盔甲〖游戏用语〗

6. armour

6. (armour):armour; 盔甲〖游戏用语〗

armour 词典解释

in AM, use 美国英语用 armor

1. (旧时的)盔甲,铠甲
    In former times, armour was special metal clothing that soldiers wore for protection in battle.

    e.g. ...the collection of weapons and armour in the historic White Tower.
    e.g. ...knights in armour.

2. 装甲部队(作战中使用的坦克等军用车辆的总称)
    Armour consists of tanks and other military vehicles used in battle.


    e.g. ...the biggest movement of heavy British armour since the Second World War.

3. (车辆的)装甲,铁甲,装甲钢板
    Armour is a hard, usually metal, covering that protects a vehicle against attack.

    e.g. ...a formidable warhead that can penetrate the armour of most tanks.
    e.g. ...armour-piercing missiles.

4. see also: body armour
    a chink in someone's armour -> see chink
    knight in shining armour -> see knight

armour 单语例句

1. The next day, the bomb ripped through the armour of Kinlow's Humvee.

2. Other places allegedly related to King Gesar include an ancient castle and temples containing armour used by the king.

3. Suits of armour and firearms from Italy's past will capture the attention of visitors at China National Museum.

4. The program is organized by NFL China and its combine sponsor Under Armour to promote the sport in China.

5. The nobles didn't wear the armour only for fighting, but also for ceremonies or parades.

6. The full armour of this period is composed of a closed helmet, and breast and back plates.

7. The function of armour went through a series of changes over the past centuries in Italian history.

armour 英英释义


1. tough more-or-less rigid protective covering of an animal or plant

    Synonym: armor

2. protective covering made of metal and used in combat

    Synonym: armor

3. a military unit consisting of armored fighting vehicles

    Synonym: armor



1. equip with armor

    Synonym: armor

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