
arrears是什么意思 arrears在线翻译 arrears什么意思 arrears的意思 arrears的翻译 arrears的解释 arrears的发音 arrears的同义词 arrears的反义词

arrears [əˈrɪəz]  [əˈrɪrz] 

arrears 基本解释

名词拖欠; 欠款; (工作等的)拖延; 待完成的事

arrears 网络解释

1. 积欠款项;欠款:arm's length transaction 公正交易 | arrears 积欠款项;欠款 | articles of association 组织章程;组织细则

2. 拖欠尾数:mortgage 住房抵押 | arrears 拖欠尾数 | default 违约

3. 滞付拖欠尾数款未付:分期付款instalment | 滞付拖欠尾数款未付arrears | 特许拖延付款日days of grace

arrears 词典解释

1. 应付欠款;(尤指)逾期债款
    Arrears are amounts of money that you owe, especially regular payments that you should have made earlier.

    e.g. They have promised to pay the arrears over the next five years...
    e.g. These 50,000 arrears cases represent a tiny fraction of all home owners.

2. 拖欠(付款)
    If someone is in arrears with their payments, or has got into arrears, they have not paid the regular amounts of money that they should have paid.


    e.g. ...the 300,000 households who are more than six months in arrears with their mortgages.
    e.g. ...debtor countries which fall into arrears with the banks.

3. (工资等)后付的
    If sums of money such as wages or taxes are paid in arrears, they are paid at the end of the period of time to which they relate, for example after a job has been done and the wages have been earned.

    e.g. Unemployment benefit is paid fortnightly in arrears.

4. (体育比赛中成绩或比分)落后的
    If someone is in arrears in a sports match or race, they are not winning, because they have a lower score or slower time than other competitors.


    e.g. Davies finished almost two seconds in arrears for third place.

arrears 单语例句


1. The Shanghai government will take further steps to improve advance payment in arrears of wages and general insurance and recovery mechanisms.

2. The central government will pay the full sum of the aggregate arrears in export tax rebates due to enterprises before the end of 2003.

3. In such circumstances, it is often very difficult for workers to get back payment in arrears.

4. Part of the outcome is a nationwide drive to clear the arrears in compensation.

5. Cases of wage arrears dropped significantly in China after peaking in 2004.

6. There are a large number of accounts in arrears in certain areas of social development.

7. The police broke into the room and found the accused holding a lighter, threatening to burn the room if his salary arrears were not cleared immediately.

8. The arrears also include unpaid construction bills for infrastructure, guarantees for loans and some corrupt officials'personal debts.

9. Despite the lack of legal standing to enforce repayment, underground banks hire debt collectors to claim loans from debtors in arrears.

10. Shenhua players were spotted skipping regular practice over the weekend in a move believed to show their discontent with wage arrears.

arrears 英英释义


1. an unpaid overdue debt

2. the state of being behind in payments

    e.g. an account in arrears

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