
empty是什么意思 empty在线翻译 empty什么意思 empty的意思 empty的翻译 empty的解释 empty的发音 empty的同义词 empty的反义词 empty的例句

empty [ˈempti]  [ˈɛmpti] 


empty 基本解释

形容词空的,空虚的,空洞的; 空闲的,无效的,徒劳的; 无聊的,愚蠢的; 言语或行动空洞的

及物动词(使)成为空的, 把…弄空; 把…腾出来

不及物动词成为空的; 流空

名词空车; 空的东西

empty 同义词

empty 反义词

empty 相关例句


1. empty

1. His words are empty of sincerity.

2. The streets were almost empty.


1. They emptied the bottle.

2. The police made the thief empty out his pocket.


1. empty的解释

1. He took all the empties back to the shop.

empty 情景对话


A:Well, it’s not as crowded as we expected, isn’t it?


B:No, but it will be soon. Look, there’re two empty seats over there. Let’s get them before somebody else does.

A:Yes, let’s!


B:Now let’s make ourselves comfortable since we’ve got quite a long way to go.


A:That’s a good idea.

empty 网络解释

1. 判断是否为空:2.设计一个程序,具有栈的基本功能. 要求建立一个栈类,通过建立对象,并对对象操作显示栈的特性. (提示:可建立一个stack类,将栈的大小size和栈顶位置top作为私有成员,压入(push)和出栈(pop)及判断是否为空(empty)作为共有成员函数

2. 清空:这个好像不用什么备份导入这么麻烦的吧,直接把这个表清空(empty)不就好了啊这个好像不用什么备份导入这么麻烦的吧,直接把这个表清空(empty)不就好了啊

empty 词典解释

1. 空的
    An empty place, vehicle, or container is one that has no people or things in it.

    e.g. The room was bare and empty.
    e.g. ...empty cans of lager...

2. (威胁、关系等)空洞的,无意义的,无效的
    An empty gesture, threat, or relationship has no real value or meaning.


    e.g. His father threatened to throw him out, but he knew it was an empty threat.
    e.g. ...to ensure the event is not perceived as an empty gesture.

3. (生活或某段时间)空虚的,枯燥无味的
    If you describe a person's life or a period of time as empty, you mean that nothing interesting or valuable happens in it.

    e.g. My life was very hectic but empty before I met him.

4. (感觉)空虚的,无力的
    If you feel empty, you feel unhappy and have no energy, usually because you are very tired or have just experienced something upsetting.

    e.g. I felt empty and hollow; defeated...
    e.g. I feel so empty, my life just doesn't seem worth living any more.

5. 清空;把…倒空
    If you empty a container, or empty something out of it, you remove its contents, especially by tipping it up.

    e.g. I emptied the ashtray...
    e.g. Empty the noodles and liquid into a serving bowl...

6. (使)(房间、场地等)变空;清空
    If someone empties a room or place, or if it empties, everyone that is in it goes away.


    e.g. The stadium emptied at the end of the first day of athletics.
    e.g. ...a woman who could empty a pub full of drunks just by lifting one fist.

7. (河流或运河)流入,注入
    A river or canal that empties into a lake, river, or sea flows into it.


    e.g. The Washougal empties into the Columbia River near Portland.

8. 空瓶;空容器
    Empties are bottles or containers which no longer have anything in them.

empty 单语例句


1. The atmosphere at the Royal Bafokeng stadium was dulled by the thousands of empty seats.

2. A handful of working reporters and local cable TV's satellite transition disks became so remarkable against an almost empty Main Street USA in the park.

3. The intensified fight against corruption shows the country's endeavor to fight official wrongdoing, which has already seen real actions instead of empty slogans.

4. The discussion about socialism and capitalism at that time inherited the mantle of the empty talk that characterized the previous political campaigns.

5. Appa said most climbers carry down garbage such as food packages, empty oxygen tanks and rope but leave behind human waste.

6. Oh's rifle and one empty cartridge were found nearby, the statement said.

7. I saw many empty seats when I toured around bars in Tsim Sha Tsui and Causeway Bay on Saturday night.

8. Peng said the chlorine bottle was almost empty and there was actually not much leakage.

9. Following the chanting of scriptures from caves dotting the mountains, we found two empty cottages with a cave higher up in the mountain.

10. Five hours later, the donor's organs were ready to be put into the recipient's empty abdominal cavity.

empty 英英释义



1. a container that has been emptied

    e.g. return all empties to the store


1. excrete or discharge from the body

    Synonym: evacuatevoid

2. become empty or void of its content

    e.g. The room emptied

    Synonym: discharge

3. make void or empty of contents

    e.g. Empty the box
           The alarm emptied the building

4. remove

    e.g. Empty the water

5. leave behind empty
    move out of

    e.g. You must vacate your office by tonight

    Synonym: vacateabandon



1. holding or containing nothing

    e.g. an empty glass
           an empty room
           full of empty seats
           empty hours

2. emptied of emotion

    e.g. after the violent argument he felt empty

3. needing nourishment

    e.g. after skipped lunch the men were empty by suppertime
           empty-bellied children

    Synonym: empty-bellied

4. devoid of significance or point

    e.g. empty promises
           a hollow victory
           vacuous comments

    Synonym: hollowvacuous

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