
athletics是什么意思 athletics在线翻译 athletics什么意思 athletics的意思 athletics的翻译 athletics的解释 athletics的发音 athletics的同义词

athletics [æθˈletɪks]  [æθˈlɛtɪks] 


athletics 基本解释

名词竞技; 田径运动; 体育运动; 体育(课)

athletics 网络解释

1. 田径:第二节 田径(Athletics)田径运动项目源于各类残疾的康复活动,二战以后逐渐发展成为残奥会的田径项目. 田径项目经过了半个多世纪的发展演变逐渐纳入了各残疾类别,为了使每个残疾类别的运动员参赛时处在一个相对平等的环境中,

2. 運動:战斗系技能(Combat Skill) 运动(Athletics)新手:不能修理魔法物品. 学徒:修理用锤子(Repair Hammers)使用次数加倍. 熟手:可以修理魔法物品. 专家:可以把物品的生命力修理至125%,这样做可以增加武器的攻击力,防具的防御力.

3. 竞技:bobsleigh, bobsled 雪橇 | Athletics 竞技 | race 跑

athletics 词典解释

1. 田径运动
    Athletics refers to track and field sports such as running, the high jump, and the javelin.

    e.g. As the modern Olympics grew in stature, so too did athletics.
    e.g. ...the International Amateur Athletics Federation.

in AM, use 美国英语用 track and field

2. 体育运动;竞技
    Athletics refers to any kind of physical sports, exercise, or games.


    e.g. ...students who play intercollegiate athletics.

athletics 单语例句

1. Swiss watchmaker Omega participated in last weekend's Good Luck Beijing Athletics Open by testing its timing system preparation for the Beijing Olympics.

2. Members of the canoeing and athletics teams are known to be embroidery enthusiasts as well.

3. The Chinese Athletics Federation hired him to polish techniques for the Chinese walkers, and the Italian has done quite a good job so far.

4. Luo left his post as director of the China Athletics Administrative Center to take up a new job as boss of the Gymnastics Administrative Center.

5. Gucci's Frida Giannini broke with the overall mood to mix athletics and aesthetics, with cinched and laced outfits with rubber or metallic clasps.

6. A perfect fusion of athletics and aesthetics, gymnastics ranks among the defining sports of the Olympic Games.

7. Mathias became the youngest Olympic gold medalist in athletics in 1948 in London, when he won the decathlon at 17.

8. Olympic decathlon champion Bryan Clay has withdrawn from the World Athletics Championships with a minor knee injury.

9. China still maintained its domination in athletics and swimming with 21 golds and nine golds respectively.

10. China's economic emancipation has also been matched by its emergence as a leading nation in most athletics events.

athletics 英英释义



1. an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competition

    Synonym: sport

2. participation in sports events as an extracurricular activity

3. a contest between athletes

    Synonym: athletic contestathletic competition

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