
auditorium是什么意思 auditorium在线翻译 auditorium什么意思 auditorium的意思 auditorium的翻译 auditorium的解释 auditorium的发音 auditorium的同义词

auditorium [ˌɔ:dɪˈtɔ:riəm]  [ˌɔdɪˈtɔriəm, -ˈtor-] 

第三人称复数:auditoriums; auditoria

auditorium 基本解释

名词观众席,听众席; 礼堂,会堂


auditorium 网络解释

1. 礼堂:一个ceo,又是逻辑学家 logist,站在拱门(arch)下;一个aeo,站在爱琴海的(Aegean)拱门(arch)下,而这个人还是一个logist;一个aeo,站在蓝天白云的爱琴海的(Aegean)拱门(arch)下,而这个人还是一个logist;通过左边的胡同(alley),有一个礼堂(auditorium).

2. 大礼堂:会后,我们要带他们参观教学楼、实验楼、图书馆和游泳池. 最后,要在大礼堂 (auditorium)举行聚会,聚会上有唱歌、跳舞、音乐、游戏和交换礼物等活动. 请大家积极参与. 谢谢.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. 大讲堂:文法学科上课的地方有两个:一个叫大讲堂(Auditorium),一个叫研究班大楼(Seminargebude). 白天,大街上走的人中有一大部分是到各地上课的男女大学生. 熙熙攘攘,煞是热闹. 在历史上,大学出过许多名人. 德国最伟大的数学家高斯(Gauss),

4. auditorium的解释

4. 观众席:随后,我进入了一楼的观众席(auditorium). 没想到,还没走几步,又遇见了lisa. 走到舞台上时,一瞬间我又听到有人再说话. 不过这次说的是戏剧中的台词,似乎是在进行戏剧的排练. 最终由于一个叫托尼(tony)的演员突然咳嗽并流出鼻血,

auditorium 词典解释

1. (剧院或音乐厅的)观众席
    An auditorium is the part of a theatre or concert hall where the audience sits.


2. 会堂;礼堂;音乐厅
    An auditorium is a large room, hall, or building which is used for events such as meetings and concerts.

    e.g. The Albert Hall is a huge auditorium.

auditorium 单语例句


1. One day Yan was installing air conditioners at the auditorium of China University of Political Science and Law.

2. Queen Latifah will host the awards show, which airs live on June 27 from the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles.

3. Lucerne Hall, an auditorium and the Museum of Art are also part of this complex.

4. The event will take place at the Shrine Auditorium on November 21.

5. The project to develop the center into an exhibition hall, an auditorium and 89 guestrooms will start in October and be complete next year.

6. Kim walked on his own into a Pyongyang auditorium for Wednesday's ceremony at a normal pace and bowed while standing during a moment of silence.

7. Teachers were busily hanging red and yellow ribbons in the school's auditorium where Wen will teach the students Chinese calligraphy and tai chi.

8. The donation will be used for the development of two important buildings in Peking University, a sports complex and an auditorium at the School of Government.

9. Ahmadinejad and other senior Iranian officials were shown in an auditorium but state television did not say where it was.

10. A courier had to run from the courthouse to the auditorium delivering one document at a time.

auditorium 英英释义



1. the area of a theater or concert hall where the audience sits

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