
auditoriums是什么意思 auditoriums在线翻译 auditoriums什么意思 auditoriums的意思 auditoriums的翻译 auditoriums的解释 auditoriums的发音

auditoriums [ɔ:dɪ'tɔ:rɪəmz]  [ɔ:dɪ'tɔ:rɪrmz] 

原级:auditorium第三人称复数:auditoriums; auditoria

auditoriums 基本解释


礼堂;会堂;观众席( auditorium的名词复数 );听众席;

auditoriums 网络解释

1. 听众席:auditorium听众席 礼堂 | auditoriums听众席 | auditor'sreport审计报告

auditoriums 双语例句

1. If it takes a sloppy and imaginary manga character to fill seats in their auditoriums, so be it.

2. Three different auditoriums, which can be converted into one large space, are also housed in the Multifunctional Building.

3. auditoriums在线翻译

3. 02 After sting This is the Dortmund Concert Hall, one of the world`s finest auditoriums.

4. auditoriums

4. Show to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums.

5. auditoriums

5. On April 22, 20 million Americans took to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment.

6. The interior follows an exceedingly compact plan of different types and sizes of rooms and auditoriums.

7. auditoriums

7. There are people who bring their cell phones into concert halls and auditoriums.

8. auditoriums的近义词

8. I was selected as valedictorian of my class and assigned to write a paper to be delivered at one of the public auditoriums.

9. auditoriums

9. In recent years, for functional requirements such as meetings, academic exchanges, speeches, press releases and so on, many units constructed a number of the meeting rooms, auditoriums and so on to meet the features designed.

10. The sound pressure level in a room can be increased by about 5-8 db on a number of auditoriums.

11. The glance of the authors, because direct and free from any demagogy, returns account with accuracy of the current fate of these auditoriums.

12. There are people who bring their cell phones into concert halls and auditoriums. For them, missing an important business message is not a miss that is remediable.

13. The architecture of auditoriums and opera houses were challenged to accommodate a wide range of sounds and styles of music.

14. The walls and ceilings of contemporary auditoriums usually conceal light, sound, and air-conditioning equipment.

15. The technology of auditoriums has always been a crucial index when a theater is being evaluated.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. In the acoustical design of concert hall, besides some common demands that must be met just as other auditoriums, the auditory form, sound diffusion and the music stage are also explored.

17. auditoriums

17. It is suited to school auditoriums, university buildings, churches, and other areas where voice communications are required by code.

18. This paper deals with the acoustic defects in auditoriums of the common type, and presents an unusual solution for the acoustic refinement of such type.

19. Calculation of acoustic parameters of auditoriums based on practical measurement of binaural impulse response For this purpose, the experiment principle and simulating model was given.

20. An Automatic Analog System for Analysing Sound Rays in Auditoriums

auditoriums 单语例句

1. They only need to show their ID cards to enter reading rooms or book lending centers and auditoriums where lectures are held regularly.

2. Rumor has it Devil had people fleeing auditoriums in Toronto, and that's easy to see why.

3. Lectures for two courses on the subject have packed auditoriums recently at Shanghai's Fudan University.

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