
authentication是什么意思 authentication在线翻译 authentication什么意思 authentication的意思 authentication的翻译 authentication的解释

authentication [ɔ:ˌθentɪ'keɪʃn]  [ɔ:ˌθentɪ'keɪʃn] 

authentication 基本解释

名词认证; 身份验证; 证明,鉴定; 密押

authentication 网络解释

1. 身份验证:实际应用中,这种格式可能出现为:0x800CCC00 身份验证(Authentication)未载入0x800CCC01 认证(Certificate)内容错误0x800CCC78 不明的寄件者,或邮件回复(reply-to)地址不正确

2. 权限:其实就是证明你对这个系统(你家)有信息访问的权限(Authentication),证明了你是一个合法身份的人,换句话说,这把钥匙就是象征着你的身份是资料的Owner,所以你家这个系统才授权(Authorization)你访问这个系统,所以Authentication是针对的是Identity,

3. 证实:这一方案牵涉到三个概念:证实(Authentication),授权(Authorization)和统计(Accounting),称为AAA. 在一个WLAN中的3G用户的AAA需要由它们的3G归属PLMN来做. 例如,在一个WLAN中的用户可以使用他的USIM来证实,就像他在3G环境中正式做的那样.

4. danci.911chaxun.com

4. 认证:3.2 认证(authentication):为了确保数据完整性并提供数据来源认证而在收发双方间使用的一个过程. 3.3 认证算法(authentication algorithm):使用认证密钥、一个或多个认证元完成认证的算法. 3.4 认证元(authentication element):将由认证保护的一个报文元.

authentication 单语例句

1. Nine firms among these have gained GMP authentication by the Ministry of Agriculture.

2. Alvin is doing authentication and security in the media room, checking the credentials of everyone entering.

3. He then took the artifact to the cultural relic protection laboratory of the National Museum of Chinese History for authentication in 2001.

4. It has also passed the Good Manufacturing Practice authentication, which is required by the State Food and Drug Administration.

5. Some countries have blocked imports from China by exercising safety and environmental standards, while some have imposed complex customs and authentication procedures.

6. Chui said beauty centers exaggerate and even fabricate the effect of the beauty treatments, even for those with authentication from US Food and Drug Administration.

7. It will strive to pass international authentication of the production bases and push the premarin products and Xinjiang biomedical resources to European and American markets.

8. Electronic signatures mean data presented in electronic form that serve as a method of authentication, similar to the function of traditional handwritten signatures and seals.

9. Wang received a lesser punishment as the judicial authentication institution in Beijing diagnosed her with hysteria and therefore limited criminal responsibility.

10. The system's surveillance camera can take instant photos of everyone who passes the lens and send them to a database for processing and authentication.

authentication 英英释义


1. validating the authenticity of something or someone

    Synonym: certification

2. a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity

    Synonym: hallmarkassay-mark

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