
certification是什么意思 certification在线翻译 certification什么意思 certification的意思 certification的翻译 certification的解释 certification的发音

certification [ˌsɜ:tɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]  [ˌsɜ:rtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 


certification 基本解释



certification 网络解释

1. 证明:NCARB已经发展出一套全国承认的记录保存系统一评议会记录(Council Record),其记录参与者的教育、训练和性格,以用来确认考试、注册登记和NCARB出证明(Certification)的资格.

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2. 检定:(中央社记者姜远珍首尔2010年3月26日专电)驻韩美军司令夏普25日在华盛顿表示,为了在2012年将战时作战指挥权移交南韩,美韩将会进行最终的检定(certification)演习. 他强调,透过战略转换计划和往后的UFG演习,以及最终的检定(certification)演习,美国将会在2012年4月之前做好移交OPCON的准备.

certification 单语例句

1. A report by the China Financial Certification Authority said that 60 percent of Web surfers would not make deals via online banking for security concerns.

2. SHANGHAI - Fire authorities in Shanghai denied certification for China's first capsule hotel, refusing to issue a license due to fire and personal safety concerns.

3. All medical personnel in township and rural clinics must now have professional certification, and local health departments are carrying out regular inspections.

4. The government continuously strengthens its supervision of certificated products and enterprises, and increases the authoritativeness and effectiveness of certification.

5. The Siemens Mechatronic Systems Certification Program aims to cultivate students interested in mechatronics.

6. Authorities will step up measures to shut down substandard organic food businesses, cracking down on illegal activities such as certification misuse and counterfeiting of organic food products.

7. But it is the privilege of children with local residential certification or hukou, and excludes children living with parents working in cities away from their registered home.

8. Employees should be able to form a union without the current protracted certification process that gives employers too much opportunity to intimidate or coerce them.

9. The two administrations urged more toy manufacturers to apply for the certificates, adding they would also launch a crackdown on counterfeit certification symbols.

10. Members asked questions about how particular licensing and certification rules relate to international norms and about what members consider redundant testing at factories.

certification 英英释义



1. validating the authenticity of something or someone

    Synonym: authentication

2. the act of certifying or bestowing a franchise on

    Synonym: enfranchisement

3. a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts

    Synonym: certificatecredentialcredentials

4. confirmation that some fact or statement is true through the use of documentary evidence

    Synonym: documentationcorroboration

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