
autocratic是什么意思 autocratic在线翻译 autocratic什么意思 autocratic的意思 autocratic的翻译 autocratic的解释 autocratic的发音 autocratic的同义词

autocratic [ˌɔ:tə'krætɪk]  [ˌɔ:tə'krætɪk] 

autocratic 基本解释


形容词专制的; 独裁的

autocratic 网络解释

1. autocratic的翻译

1. 專制的:如果强迫承认(forced to concede)说唯有资本主义维持了(sustained)自由民主政权,(左翼自由主义)回应则是,许多资本主义的国家(many capitalist states)也都是独裁专制的(autocratic).

2. 专权的:autocratic leadership 專制型領導 | autocratic 專權的 | autocriticism 自我批評

3. 独裁的:autocrat 独裁者 | autocratic 独裁的 | autocratical 专横的

autocratic 词典解释

1. 独裁的;专制的;独断专行的
    An autocratic person or organization has complete power and makes decisions without asking anyone else's advice.


    e.g. The people have grown intolerant in recent weeks of the King's autocratic ways.

autocratic 单语例句

1. An icon of the Palestinian struggle for statehood, he was an autocratic ruler and had never clearly anointed a successor.

2. A signed article by Yi Duo on Friday provided an insight into the autocratic nature of the Dalai Lama's theocratic rule.

3. Yi's article claims that in order to secure its autocratic rule, the Dalai clique even resort to assassination and poisoning to persecute political and religious dissidents.

4. President Robert Mugabe has repeatedly accused the United States and Britain of plotting to overthrow his autocratic regime.

5. It opened another potential front against Gadhafi's regime even as the autocratic leader stands firm against widening NATO airstrikes and rebels with growing international backing.

6. Constitutional monarchy limited the scope for wasteful spending on luxurious court life, as well as on military adventures the hallmark of early modern autocratic monarchy.

7. There has been heavy criticism by Western media that China's economy grows by less desirable autocratic capitalism because the West believes modernization means Westernization.

8. Critics say the downside to Mahathir's achievements is an autocratic style that has seen democracy eroded and political opponents jailed without trial.

9. They say he has become autocratic and unapproachable and has moved too slowly to help millions of poor blacks.

10. " There must be an efficient management team rather than an autocratic chairman leading the enterprise, " says the anonymous analyst.

autocratic 英英释义



1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
    having absolute sovereignty

    e.g. an authoritarian regime
           autocratic government
           despotic rulers
           a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
           a tyrannical government

    Synonym: authoritariandictatorialdespotictyrannictyrannical

2. offensively self-assured or given to exercising usually unwarranted power

    e.g. an autocratic person
           autocratic behavior
           a bossy way of ordering others around
           a rather aggressive and dominating character
           managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way
           a swaggering peremptory manner

    Synonym: bossydominatinghigh-and-mightymagisterialperemptory

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