
back door是什么意思 back door在线翻译 back door什么意思 back door的意思 back door的翻译 back door的解释 back door的发音 back door的同义词

back door [bæk dɔ:]  [bæk dɔr] 

back door 基本解释


back door 相关例句


1. He is not intelligent, so he entered Harvard through the back door.

back door 情景对话


A:Stand back from the door, please. There’re plenty of seats in the rear.

B:What’s the fare, please?


A:One yuan fifty cents. Drop it in the box here.
      1 元5 角,把它放进箱子里。

back door

B:Is this the right bus to Zizhuyuan Park?

back door

A:Take a No.2. This is No.12.
      应该乘2 路车,这是12 路。

back door

B:But somebody told me this was the right bus to take. I want to go to Tian’anmen Square, you see.

back door在线翻译

A:Then this is the right bus. Move on, please. You’re holding up the passengers. Tian’anmen Square is the last stop but one.

B:Would you please let me know when we get there?

back door

A:Sure thing. I’ll shout it out.

back door 网络解释

1. 後門程式:支援状态攻击辨识(Stateful Signature Detection)功能,依资料封包的来源位址,目的位址及服务类型而使用相对应的攻击辨识机制. 支援异常封包(Anomaly Protocol)及后门程式(Back Door)侦测功能.

2. back door

2. 走后门:个人空手切入包括闪切(flash cut)、走后门(back door)、后切(又称前挤后退:back cut)、转身(pivot)、滑步(sliding)、扣勾走位(button hook)、U形切、L形切等有许多教练都很少指导球员空手走位,殊不知,球场上经常只能让一位球员持(运)球,

3. 背门:发动机罩安全拉钩 hood safety lock | 背门 back door | 地板通道 floor tunnel

back door 单语例句

1. The default threat was a way to depress bond prices in secondary markets, only to buy them back at a discount through the back door.

2. A " fryer " is a computer with security leaks that is already under a hacker's control, usually through a back door.

3. After the mystery hunk " picked up the whole cheque " the pair left separately - he in his Jeep while Jennifer slipped out a back door.

4. Ambulances raced from the scene, at least one with the back door still open and bodies stacked in the back.

5. The fact that politicians talk about free trade but adopt measures to the contrary indicates protectionism is coming in from the back door.

6. Hot discussions on the baby's name suspends as the back door of the van opens.

7. He added he did not want to leave through the " back door, " but fight to convince coach Fabio Capello of his worth.

8. " The whole class ran out of the room by the back door, " the Beijing News quoted a student witness as saying.

9. But she did not walk the red carpet and entered through a back door, avoiding about a dozen cameras and reporters.

10. The teacher and other students managed to escape from the back door and called the police.

back door 英英释义


1. a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position)

    e.g. he got his job through the back door

    Synonym: backdoor

2. an entrance at the rear of a building

    Synonym: backdoorback entrance

3. an undocumented way to get access to a computer system or the data it contains

    Synonym: backdoor

back door是什么意思,back door在线翻译,back door什么意思,back door的意思,back door的翻译,back door的解释,back door的发音,back door的同义词,back door的反义词,back door的例句,back door的相关词组,back door意思是什么,back door怎么翻译,单词back door是什么意思
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