
backdoor是什么意思 backdoor在线翻译 backdoor什么意思 backdoor的意思 backdoor的翻译 backdoor的解释 backdoor的发音 backdoor的同义词

backdoor ['bækdɔ:]  [ˈbækˌdɔr, -ˌdor] 

backdoor 基本解释



backdoor 网络解释

1. 秘密的:backdate 回溯 | backdoor 秘密的 | backdown 退却

2. 内幕:内蒙古自治区 (-:-) Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region | 内幕 (-:-) backdoor | 内幕交易 (-:-) insider dealing

backdoor 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. Card. exe is most likely a Trojan that'll rip a backdoor into your system.

2. Published on October 11 and resume trading backdoor progress.

3. backdoor什么意思

3. They are mass-mailing worms with backdoor functionality that can be controlled through the Internet Relay Chat network.

4. backdoor的近义词

4. By locking down the operation system critical files and key registries, it achieves file and registry protection; using process hide and process termination protection for critical process running on the operation system, it implements process attack protection; using kernel module hide technology, it implements important kernel module protection; by providing kernel module load and unload protection, it can block malicious and unauthorized driver which is loaded and unloaded; it can also block Rootkits and backdoor in the kernel to run on the operation system; by controlling application execution, it can block unknown or unauthorized application run on the operation system.

5. Chinese private-owned enterprises take overseas backdoor listing as their first financing choice under the imperfect domestic capital market.

6. It is a Backdoor Trojan that allows a hacker to control your computer by using the Internet Relay Chat.

7. backdoor

7. Backdoor listing in a short time to reverse the shell company`s performance, so as to achieve and the allotment of additional fund-raising purposes.

8. Months, listed in Hong Kong only half a year to the official presentation of the first home buyers in the domestic A Share; veteran real estate listed companies as early as the North Star also plans to apply for this before in the domestic stock exchange; another real estate company listed in Hong Kong, overseas Chinese are also said to have landed the domestic market plan, apart from a veteran real estate listed companies in the planning of their own stock market second, the cutting-edge Sunco first half of this year are planning to achieve listing in Hong Kong, SOHO China`s listing plan is still tepid in preparation, in addition, Huayuan Real Estate is a listed company and domestic tourism Jingxi flirt, a backdoor listing plan …… the domestic heavyweight on several real estate companies have joined almost a listing of the chorus.

9. backdoor什么意思

9. However, people really fear is not normal market conditions, land prices, the natural increase in housing prices, but market speculation rampant backdoor dealings in land and housing prices caused by a serious, abnormal fluctuations in land prices.

10. backdoor

10. Wh il e Roy was ta l k i ng on the te le phone, I slipped out the backdoor and sat down on my favor i te pat i o cha i r.

11. I think there's kind of a backdoor benefit here.

12. backdoor什么意思

12. According to accounting firm Grant Thornton study found that almost all of the current reorganization of ST companies, tend to re-backdoor.

13. Such as Southwest Securities backdoor of * ST Chang Yun, whose shares are soaring out of the market recently.

14. This means that the form of New World China backdoor to the A share listing of the suspension.

15. There are many real estate companies listed on the first no, embarked on a backdoor listing this road.

16. Tools Please E Net Honker Name, If it is a backdoor Trojan, Closed Forum ID!

17. I have TPTK and my opponent has a flush draw with no backdoor possibilities.

18. Having a strong post player is important because this player is critical to passing to backdoor cutters, and can draw help defense to open outside shots.

19. M 2 v; M2 F9 K(h3 X0 p, EI have TPTK and my opponent has a flush draw with no backdoor possibilities.
      k0 A(|3 A8 e; U) Z5 ,k% X },`; f; S8 b我有顶对和顶踢脚,我的对手有同花听,并且只有同花听。

20. V; M2 F9 K h3 X0 p, E I have TPTK and my opponent has a flush draw with no backdoor possibilities.
      k% X },`; f; S8 b 我有顶对和顶踢脚,我的对手有同花听,并且只有同花听。(估计这里作者不考虑连来67之类的事)。

backdoor 词典解释

1. 偷偷摸摸的;不正当的;后门的
    You can use backdoor to describe an action or process if you disapprove of it because you think it has been done in a secret, indirect, or dishonest way.

    e.g. He did the backdoor deals that allowed the government to get its budget through Parliament on time...
    e.g. He brushed aside talk of greedy MPs voting themselves a backdoor pay rise.

2. 不正当的秘密途径;后门
    If you say that someone is doing something through or by the backdoor, you disapprove of them because they are doing it in a secret, indirect, or dishonest way.

    e.g. Dentists claim the Government is privatising dentistry through the back door.

backdoor 单语例句

1. Jiang also planted a large quantity of Trojan and backdoor viruses on the website which could infect Internet user's computers when downloading videos.

2. The CSRC has approved Haitong Securities as the first brokerage to make a backdoor listing.

3. Approval of the resolution followed days of backdoor negotiations and resistance by nonaligned countries that saw their own right to enrichment for peaceful use threatened.

4. The two departments will urge the government to introduce public bidding in transferring or leasing village property to prevent backdoor activities by some village officials.

5. The source also said the CSRC would investigate backdoor listings of the companies, as the government increases efforts to cool down the housing market and stop manipulation.

6. At least half a dozen Chinese securities firms have applied to list through the backdoor method or via initial public offers of shares.

7. Krzyzewski said bad communication was to blame for the inability to stop Georgetown's backdoor moves, and the inevitable Duke rally simply came too late.

8. There are no backdoor surveillance activities or spy chips or any of the like associated with any of our computers.

9. Spain kept up the pace with the first three baskets of the final quarter, two of them backdoor passes from Gasol to Reyes.

10. Analysts said more and more securities companies will seek to list on the stock market through IPOs or backdoor listings in the coming year.

backdoor 英英释义


1. a secret or underhand means of access (to a place or a position)

    e.g. he got his job through the back door

    Synonym: back door

2. an entrance at the rear of a building

    Synonym: back doorback entrance

3. an undocumented way to get access to a computer system or the data it contains

    Synonym: back door

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