
backlash是什么意思 backlash在线翻译 backlash什么意思 backlash的意思 backlash的翻译 backlash的解释 backlash的发音 backlash的同义词

backlash [ˈbæklæʃ]  [ˈbækˌlæʃ] 


backlash 基本解释

名词反击; 后坐; 激烈反应

backlash 网络解释

1. backlash的解释

1. 间隙:(3)轴向的反向间隙(BACKLASH)异常. (4)电机运行状态异常,即电气及控制部分故障...摘 要:现代工业控制已进入到智能控制阶段,为了获得被控对象准确的工作情况并对其进行控制,它要求更先进的检测作为前置支撑技术.

2. 齿侧间隙:齿侧间隙(backlash)是为了使齿轮能够正常转动,在互相啮合的轮齿之间留有的间隙. 对于机械的整体来说,各运动副间的运动间隙是不可缺少的,所以,这种间隙一直被认为是不可避免的不利因素.

3. 齿隙:3.检查调整配对凸缘(Companion flange)和小齿轮油封,测量凸缘(Companion flange)失圆8.测量和调整边轴承预负荷 (preload) 和环齿轮及小齿轮的齿隙(backlash)1.诊断差速器噪音、滑动和震动(Chatter)问题决定维修之处.

backlash 词典解释

1. 强烈反应;强烈抵制;激烈反对
    A backlash against a tendency or recent development in society or politics, is a sudden, strong reaction against it.

    e.g. ...the male backlash against feminism.
    e.g. ...a right-wing backlash.

backlash 单语例句

1. It was surprising that the capital flows to those advanced countries have created such a political backlash.

2. His decision to push the ballot measures generated a backlash from labor unions, which have spent millions on television ads since the spring to discredit him.

3. The denial led to fierce backlash from the Chinese public, prompting Nanjing to suspend official exchanges with Nagoya.

4. A senior NAM diplomat told AFP that they " do not want a resolution on Iran ", fearing this could isolate Tehran and cause a backlash.

5. This triggered a public backlash against the ministry, especially after a little girl was rescued 21 hours after the crash.

6. That her excessive behaviour has sparked a strong backlash from the community is a matter of course.

7. The backlash in the Islamic Republic is part of a drive against the spread of Western culture.

8. Equally disconcerting for an externally oriented Chinese economy are growing signs of a backlash against globalization.

9. The outcome is an undisguised backlash against Indian feminism and women's rights.

10. France was facing a serious militant backlash against its intervention in northern Mali as the hostage crisis in neighboring Algeria deteriorated on Thursday.


backlash 英英释义



1. an adverse reaction to some political or social occurrence

    e.g. there was a backlash of intolerance

2. a movement back from an impact

    Synonym: recoilrepercussionrebound



1. come back to the originator of an action with an undesired effect

    e.g. Your comments may backfire and cause you a lot of trouble

    Synonym: backfirerecoil

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