
blend是什么意思 blend在线翻译 blend什么意思 blend的意思 blend的翻译 blend的解释 blend的发音 blend的同义词 blend的反义词 blend的例句

blend [blend]  [blɛnd] 


blend 基本解释

及物动词混合; 把…掺在一起; (使)调和; 协调

不及物动词掺杂; 结合; 相配,相称

名词混合; 混合物; 混合色,合成语

blend 相关例句


1. The countryside and the houses seem to blend (into each other).

2. blend是什么意思

2. When they sing, their voices blend nicely.


1. blend什么意思

1. This tie blends with your striped suit.

2. Animals' protective coloring enables them to blend with their surroundings.


1. His manner was a blend of friendliness and respect.

blend 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 混合度:展开Chroma Key的设置项,依次在颜色(Color)项中使用吸管工具在预览窗口中点选蓝色,对所选颜色的相似度(Similarity)进行调整,并将混合度(Blend)设置为100%.

blend 词典解释

1. (使)混合;调和;掺和
    If you blend substances together or if they blend, you mix them together so that they become one substance.

    e.g. Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy...
    e.g. Blend the ingredients until you have a smooth cream...

2. (有用或令人愉快的事物的)融合,混合,组合
    A blend of things is a mixture or combination of them that is useful or pleasant.

    e.g. The public areas offer a subtle blend of traditional charm with modern amenities.
    e.g. ...a blend of wine and sparkling water...

3. (颜色、声音或风格)融合,交融,协调
    When colours, sounds, or styles blend, they come together or are combined in a pleasing way.

    e.g. You could paint the walls and ceilings the same colour so they blend together.
    e.g. ...the picture, furniture and porcelain collections that blend so well with the house itself.

4. 结合,融合,综合(想法、政策和风格)
    If you blend ideas, policies, or styles, you use them together in order to achieve something.

    e.g. His 'cosmic vision' is to blend Christianity with 'the wisdom of all world religions'.
    e.g. ...a band that blended jazz, folk and classical music.

相关词组:blend in

blend 单语例句

1. She scrupulously paints the patterns onto her models by hand until they seamlessly blend into their background.

2. Aides saw that speech and one Friday that will blend his campaign's economic and foreign policy proposals as his " closing arguments " for change.

3. For the " deviling, " a blend of cayenne pepper and Dijon mustard worked best.

4. If wind borne particles blend with cosmetics, they can have a chemical reaction affecting the skin.

5. Chop up the chili roughly and pound or blend together with the dried shrimps.

6. Natural Q's blend of bossa nova, folk pop and light jazz have made them superstars of the indie circuit.

7. Blend to a coarse paste, adding a little ice water if necessary.

8. Blend all until smooth, chill well and serve sprinkled with chopped coriander.

9. The different layers of imagery are brought together by a unifying aesthetic expression, a blend of pop and comic strips.

10. Yao has faced the burden with a blend of his mother's gentle affability and his father's quick wit.

blend 英英释义


1. the act of blending components together thoroughly

    Synonym: blending

2. a new word formed by joining two others and combining their meanings

    e.g. `smog' is a blend of `smoke' and `fog'
           `motel' is a portmanteau word made by combining `motor' and `hotel'
           `brunch' is a well-known portmanteau

    Synonym: portmanteau wordportmanteau

3. an occurrence of thorough mixing



1. mix together different elements

    e.g. The colors blend well

    Synonym: fluxmixconflatecommingleimmixfusecoalescemeldcombinemerge

2. combine into one

    e.g. blend the nuts and raisins together
           he blends in with the crowd
           We don't intermingle much

    Synonym: intermiximmingleintermingle

3. blend or harmonize

    e.g. This flavor will blend with those in your dish
           This sofa won't go with the chairs

    Synonym: goblend in

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