
plump是什么意思 plump在线翻译 plump什么意思 plump的意思 plump的翻译 plump的解释 plump的发音 plump的同义词 plump的反义词 plump的例句

plump [plʌmp]  [plʌmp] 


plump 基本解释

形容词丰满的; 肥胖的; 丰富的; 充裕的


及物/不及物动词(使)圆胖; (使)鼓起; (使)突然沉重地落下

名词扑通声; 〈英〉阵雨; 群

plump 同义词

plump 反义词

plump 相关例句


1. These tomatoes are plump and juicy.


1. She plumped down her shopping bag on the counter.

2. plump

2. The newspaper ads plumped the virtues of the new model.


1. He plumped for the committee's decision.

plump 网络解释

1. 丰满<-->bony骨感美人:hump 驼峰 | plump 丰满<-->bony骨感美人 | goose lump外国人的鹅皮疙瘩

2. 丰满的:slim 苗条的 | plump 丰满的 | medium- built 适中的,不胖不瘦的

3. 圆胖的, 丰满的:well-built (男)身材健美的 | plump 圆胖的, 丰满的 | go through a lot of ups and downs 经历过很多起伏

plump 词典解释

1. 丰满的;胖乎乎的;圆滚滚的
    You can describe someone or something as plump to indicate that they are rather fat or rounded.

    e.g. Maria was small and plump with a mass of curly hair...
    e.g. He pushed a plump little hand towards me.

There was a sturdy plumpness about her hips.

2. (通过摇抖或拍打)使膨松,使松软鼓起
    If you plump a pillow or cushion, you shake it and hit it gently so that it goes back into a rounded shape.

    e.g. She panics when people pop in unexpectedly, rushing round plumping cushions.

3. (常指经过犹豫或深思熟虑后)选择,选中
    If you plump for someone or something, you choose them, often after hesitating or thinking carefully.


    e.g. I think Tessa should plump for Malcolm, her long-suffering admirer.

plump 单语例句

1. It is truly a delicious dish of moist and plump prawns coated in a rich and lingering sauce.

2. Let your imaginative juices flow with plump apples, curvaceous pears and slender bananas.

3. Middleton appears plump in the face and lips and has bags under her eyes, while some critics suggested William looks more like former US Vice President Al Gore.

4. The steamed minced pork dumping with crab roe was especially tasty, plump and with a mild but not greasy flavour.

5. The plump and rather plain Wang Zhen for instance has hands that work magic on my shoulders.

6. In your quest for great zest, seek lemons that are plump and heavy for their size.

7. The plump figure of Venus and the chubby face of Cupid form a stream of communication in harmony.

8. These plump green worms aren't as harmless as they look and can sting those who get in the way of them and the tasty waxberries.

9. Savor the sweet, plump crab with tasty roe now it's in season.

10. This was a plump little duck, not at all like the undernourished specimens you'll find in most local shops.

plump 英英释义


1. the sound of a sudden heavy fall


1. give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number

    e.g. I plumped for the losing candidates

    Synonym: go

2. make fat or plump

    e.g. We will plump out that poor starving child

    Synonym: fattenfatflesh outfill outplump outfatten outfatten up

3. set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise

    e.g. He planked the money on the table
           He planked himself into the sofa

    Synonym: plankflumpplonkplopplunkplump downplunk down

4. drop sharply

    e.g. The stock market plummeted

    Synonym: plummet


1. sufficiently fat so as to have a pleasing fullness of figure

    e.g. a chubby child
           pleasingly plump

    Synonym: chubbyembonpoint


1. straight down especially heavily or abruptly

    e.g. the anchor fell plump into the sea
           we dropped the rock plump into the water

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