
blistering是什么意思 blistering在线翻译 blistering什么意思 blistering的意思 blistering的翻译 blistering的解释 blistering的发音 blistering的同义词

blistering [ˈblɪstərɪŋ]  [ˈblɪstərɪŋ] 


blistering 基本解释

形容词酷热的; 猛烈的; 使起疱的; <口>可恶的

动词起水疱; 起气泡; 使受暴晒

名词[涂料] 起泡

blistering 网络解释

1. 起泡:(39)起泡(Blistering)涂层因局部失去附着力而离开基底(底材或下涂层)鼓起,漆膜呈现似圆形的凸起变形,泡内可含液体、蒸气、其他气体或结晶物. (40)开裂(Cracking)漆膜出现不连续的外观变化. 通常是由于漆膜老化而引起.

2. blistering

2. 小泡:Base boat 底漆 | Blistering 小泡 | Blushing 白化

3. 罗嗦的,胡扯的:11. epidemiological 流行病学的 | 12. blistering 罗嗦的,胡扯的 | 13. critique 评论,批评

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 凸泡:blister 水疱 | blistering 凸泡 | blizzard 暴风雪

blistering 词典解释

1. 酷热的;炎热的
    Blistering heat is very great heat.


    e.g. ...a blistering summer day.

2. (评论)严厉的,愤怒的,尖刻的
    A blistering remark expresses great anger or dislike.

    e.g. The president responded to this with a blistering attack on his critics.

3. (体育动作)飞快的,强劲的,有力量的
    Blistering is used to describe actions in sport to emphasize that they are done with great speed or force.

    e.g. Sharon Wild set a blistering pace to take the lead.

blistering 单语例句

1. Ports'business operations on the mainland have been growing steadily, thanks to the blistering economic development there.

2. But compared to the blistering urban economic growth, rural development still has a long way to go.

3. Her positions on the war did not stem blistering criticism from Democratic senators.

4. Automakers are facing capacity constraints as they work to keep up with blistering demand.

5. The company's fast expansion epitomized the blistering growth of the entire steel industry.

6. Raikkonen set a blistering pace in Ferrari's Bahrain test in February, lapping more than two seconds faster than Massa's 2007 Bahrain Grand Prix pole position time.

7. This has been mainly due to the country's blistering growth in foreign trade.

8. China's blistering growth has also lifted incomes and created more opportunities in poorer inland provinces, which means fewer people leaving for jobs in the richer coastal cities.

9. Experts believe securities lending will be extremely helpful to deal with volatility seen in mainland stock markets this year following blistering gains in 2006.

10. Its export drive came as the company has been suffering sluggish sales and losses in recent years amid blistering growth of China's passenger car market.

blistering 英英释义



1. the formation of vesicles in or beneath the skin

    Synonym: vesiculationvesication


1. very fast
    capable of quick response and great speed

    e.g. a hot sports car
           a blistering pace
           got off to a hot start
           in hot pursuit
           a red-hot line drive

    Synonym: hotred-hot

2. hot enough to raise (or as if to raise) blisters

    e.g. blistering sun

    Synonym: blistery

3. harsh or corrosive in tone

    e.g. an acerbic tone piercing otherwise flowery prose
           a barrage of acid comments
           her acrid remarks make her many enemies
           bitter words
           blistering criticism
           caustic jokes about political assassination, talk-show hosts and medical ethics
           a sulfurous denunciation
           a vitriolic critique

    Synonym: acerbacerbicacidacridbittercausticsulfuroussulphurousvirulentvitriolic

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