
red-hot是什么意思 red-hot在线翻译 red-hot什么意思 red-hot的意思 red-hot的翻译 red-hot的解释 red-hot的发音 red-hot的同义词 red-hot的反义词

red-hot [ˈredˈhɔt]  [ˈrɛdˈhɑt] 


red-hot 基本解释

形容词赤热的; 激烈的,恼怒的; 近期的,新的

名词热狗,红肠面包; 法兰克福香肠

red-hot 相关例句


1. red-hot的反义词

1. She burnt herself on a red-hot pan handle.

2. The reporter had a red-hot story.

red-hot 网络解释

1. 赤热:春节将近工作要加班,年货赶著办所以这几天无法上线分享我的喜悦.不要紧,只要有我的出现便会有意外惊喜带给各位痴汉朋友们.今天我要分享给你的作品是来自无码大厂赤热(Red Hot)出品的新作,而本片的女主角正是一位神似台湾童颜巨乳瑶瑶(郭书瑶)的新晋女优,

2. 红得发紫;抢手:93 Big-mouth口没遮拦;大嘴巴 | 94 Red-hot红得发紫;抢手 | 95 Hardcore!很难的课程;帅啊!

3. 炽热的, 非常激动的, 最新的:red-eyed 红眼的, 眼圈哭红的 | red-hot 炽热的, 非常激动的, 最新的 | red-letter day 大喜日子, 圣徒之节日

red-hot 词典解释

1. (金属或岩石)炽热的,火红的
    Red-hot metal or rock has been heated to such a high temperature that it has turned red.

    e.g. ...red-hot iron.

2. 温度极高的;烫手的
    A red-hot object is too hot to be touched safely.

    e.g. In the main rooms red-hot radiators were left exposed.

3. 炙手可热的;流行的
    Red-hot is used to describe a person or thing that is very popular, especially someone who is very good at what they do or something that is new and exciting.


    e.g. Some traders are already stacking the red-hot book on their shelves.
    e.g. ...red-hot guitarist David Grissom.

4. 激情澎湃的;热力四射的;激烈的
    If someone or something is described as red-hot, they show a lot of passion, enthusiasm, or excitement.

    e.g. ...a red-hot sex-life.
    e.g. ...a red-hot fury she had never realized she possessed.

5. 夺冠热门的
    The red-hot favourite in a race or contest is a person or team that is strongly expected to win.

    e.g. His team are red-hot favourites.

red-hot 英英释义



1. very fast
    capable of quick response and great speed

    e.g. a hot sports car
           a blistering pace
           got off to a hot start
           in hot pursuit
           a red-hot line drive

    Synonym: blisteringhot

2. glowing red with heat

3. characterized by intense emotion or interest or excitement

    e.g. a red-hot speech
           sizzling political issues

    Synonym: sizzling

4. newest or most recent

    e.g. news hot off the press
           red-hot information

    Synonym: hot

5. having strong sexual appeal

    e.g. juicy barmaids
           a red-hot mama
           a voluptuous woman
           a toothsome blonde in a tight dress

    Synonym: juicyluscioustoothsomevoluptuous

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