
bonze是什么意思 bonze在线翻译 bonze什么意思 bonze的意思 bonze的翻译 bonze的解释 bonze的发音 bonze的同义词 bonze的反义词 bonze的例句

bonze [bɒnz]  [bɑ:nz] 

bonze 基本解释


bonze 网络解释

1. 和尚:[神族]扫地小和尚(Bonze)像疯子一样跳来跳去...[神族]水云斋(Watermoon)缓缓地摇了摇头.[神族]扫地小和尚(Bonze)缓缓地摇了摇头.[神族]扫地小和尚(Bonze)转过头去,避开别人的眼光.

2. bonze的翻译

2. 末精选的铅矿石:bonyingot 过热金属锭 | bonze 末精选的铅矿石 | bookmold 铰接式铸型

3. 青铜:黄铜Brass | 青铜Bonze | 镍合金Nickel Alloy

4. danci.911cha.com

4. (佛教的)和尚, 僧:bonza || 很大的, 优秀的, 华丽的 | bonze || (佛教的)和尚, 僧 | bonzer || 很大的, 优秀的, 华丽的

bonze 双语例句

1. bonze是什么意思

1. Before him the bonze of these ferocious people the stimulation of the story that where cans bear him?

2. Bonze Kukai's Letter from the Ambassador to the Imperial Inspector in Fuzhou offers an important clue to whether there existed credentials in the contacts between Japan and China in the Tang Dynasty.

3. Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. The man who is burning joss sticks is not always bonze, may be a panda.

5. Buddha and Bodhisattva, the image of the emperor, giant and ghost and god and arhat and bonze, the wind and cloud and dragon and tiger, the character in this world, mountain and forest, flower and bamboo, wild donkey and animal, the machine for culturing

6. It is her uncle, the bonze, who has found out about her conversion

7. bonze

7. It is her uncle. the Bonze, who has found out about her conversion.

8. A day, a few friends meet, that bonze of Hu Qiu also inside.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. In the meantime, deep ploughing this locality also becomes Shenzhen enterprise to answer " ab extra bonze " one of methods.

10. She made a bonze make many mistakes.

11. bonze的反义词

11. It is her uncle, the Bonze, who has found out about her conversion.

12. So I've decided to become a bonze.

13. He was born of a bonze family, so we can have rich experience from his productions that the traditional cultures of Japan are expressed in his landscape architecture designs.

14. The thesis is divided into four parts: Parti: the preface, which introduces briefly the basic facts about the study of synonym in oracle inscription and bonze vessel inscription, and that analyzes the definition and the judge standard for the synonym.

15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. Thirdly, we can know that this book is created in the fusion time which Buddhism develops by the stories of Buddha mark worship, Buddha image worship, bonze worship, which belongs to the different periods of Buddhism development.

16. bonze的意思

16. Have a small bonze, 3 more take a long bamboo pole to run in the courtyard in the middle of the night, to writing night sky brandish is hit again, be troubled by so that cannot leave hand in.

17. bonze的意思

17. Bonze also is most of meeting deal, money of what burning incense, wall of merits and virtues this kind of money did not say, the Lou Yu of bonze is numerous, opening place of which hundreds of game also is to be managed legally, buddha of ceremony of burn joss sticks comes before weighing believer otherwise, without pastime, that is not to do not have a meaning too.

18. bonze的近义词

18. The name hinders at the identity, cannot be gotten already personally handy, press no less than face again interrogatory small bonze, can gulp down his sobs only the hunger that endure energy of life is worn abdomen feign outfit is artistic, view and admire bright and beautiful carp or flowers and trees to atrium.

19. In the meantime, deep ploughing this locality also becomes Shenzhen enterprise to answer " ab extra bonze " one of methods.

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