
brilliant是什么意思 brilliant在线翻译 brilliant什么意思 brilliant的意思 brilliant的翻译 brilliant的解释 brilliant的发音 brilliant的同义词

brilliant [ˈbrɪliənt]  [ˈbrɪljənt] 


brilliant 基本解释

形容词才华横溢的; 明亮的; <非正式>美好的; 闪耀的

名词宝石; 钻石


brilliant 相关例句


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1. He came up with a brilliant idea.

2. The moon was brilliant.

3. She is a brilliant swimmer.

brilliant 网络解释

1. 卓越的:不是传统的CBD概念,只是基于地段、交通、学区的CBD黄金优势,用全新手法打造项目的品质、配套,成就超出一般尊贵的稀缺臻品,成就第一流的(classic)卓越的(brilliant)王朝(dynasty)居住典范.

2. brilliant什么意思

2. 宝石:美国杜邦可丽耐(CORIAN),三星Staron,LG,日本可乐丽,加拿大创奇(Miracle)彩宝石(Brilliant),诺威石(Neuvelle)(SOLID SURFACING WORKTOP). 人造石是由聚酯或亚克力配以石粉及色料浇铸而成的合成石材. 优点是:美观,防水,可做到整体无接缝,

brilliant 词典解释

1. 聪颖的;技艺高超的
    A brilliant person, idea, or performance is extremely clever or skilful.

    e.g. She had a brilliant mind...
    e.g. It was his brilliant performance in 'My Left Foot' that established his reputation.

It is a very high quality production, brilliantly written and acted.
He was a deeply serious musician who had shown his brilliance very early.

2. 非常好的;很棒的;出色的
    You can say that something is brilliant when you are very pleased about it or think that it is very good.

    e.g. If you get a chance to see the show, do go — it's brilliant...
    e.g. My sister's given me this brilliant book.

It's extremely hard working together but on the whole it works brilliantly and we're still good friends.

3. 成功的;辉煌的
    A brilliant career or success is very successful.

    e.g. He served four years in prison, emerging to find his brilliant career in ruins...
    e.g. The raid was a brilliant success.

The strategy worked brilliantly.

4. (颜色)鲜明的,绚丽的
    A brilliant colour is extremely bright.

    e.g. The woman had brilliant green eyes.
    e.g. ...a brilliant white open-necked shirt.

Many of the patterns show brilliantly coloured flowers.
...an iridescent blue butterfly in all its brilliance.

5. (光线等)明亮的,夺目的,灿烂的
      You describe light, or something that reflects light, as brilliant when it shines very brightly.

      e.g. The event was held in brilliant sunshine...
      e.g. It was 250 million times more brilliant than the Sun.

It's a brilliantly sunny morning.
His eyes became accustomed to the dark after the brilliance of the sun outside.

brilliant 单语例句

1. This award winning spectacular has brilliant lighting, dazzling costumes and breathtaking choreography.

2. To my mind, chutney seems a brilliant way to make use of this otherwise discarded food.

3. He doesn't care for those complicated and brilliant color patches, let alone the striking contrast between warm and cold hues.

4. " He can conceptualize a brilliant idea, " but needs funding and organizational help to make it happen.

5. Inspired by the brilliant Irish dance show " River Dance, " the creator of " Spirit of the Dance " wanted to take things a step further.

6. The report indicated during the 15 years after the handover, the cross border economic and trade cooperation has made brilliant breakthrough.

7. The meetings have attracted the country's most brilliant minds, but they are cunning - and always running and hiding.

8. Some scientists of the time described Darwin's words as a stabbing ray of light, a simple but brilliant illumination.

9. " But no one can deny that he was brilliant, " Arun said.

10. Hu called on the youth to be ambitious and diligent and to make unremitting efforts to build a brilliant future for the nation.

brilliant 英英释义


1. full of light
    shining intensely

    e.g. a brilliant star
           brilliant chandeliers

2. having striking color

    e.g. bright dress
           brilliant tapestries
           a bird with vivid plumage

    Synonym: brightvivid

3. characterized by grandeur

    e.g. the brilliant court life at Versailles
           a glorious work of art
           magnificent cathedrals
           the splendid coronation ceremony

    Synonym: gloriousmagnificentsplendid

4. having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence

    e.g. some men dislike brainy women
           a brilliant mind
           a brilliant solution to the problem

    Synonym: brainysmart as a whip

5. clear and sharp and ringing

    e.g. the bright sound of the trumpet section
           the brilliant sound of the trumpets

    Synonym: bright

6. of surpassing excellence

    e.g. a brilliant performance
           a superb actor

    Synonym: superb

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