
buff是什么意思 buff在线翻译 buff什么意思 buff的意思 buff的翻译 buff的解释 buff的发音 buff的同义词 buff的反义词 buff的例句 buff的相关词组

buff [bʌf]  [bʌf] 


buff 基本解释

名词爱好者; 米色; 黄褐色软皮革(尤指水牛皮或黄牛皮革); 黄皮军装上衣

形容词浅黄色的; 米色的黄褐色软皮革(尤指水牛皮或黄牛皮革); 黄皮革制的; <美,俚>健美的

及物动词用软物擦亮(金属); 使皮革柔软; 减低(力量); 减弱


buff 相关例句


1. He buffs his shoes to make them shine.


1. Jack is a jazz buff.

buff 网络解释

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 淺黃色:最后用红色和浅黄色(buff)完成基础涂装. 用蓝灰色(bluish grey)喷涂襟翼的内侧. 用蘸了91%异丙醇(isopropyl alcohol)的棉棒擦除. 再次用蘸了91%异丙醇(isopropyl alcohol)的棉棒擦除. 让我们开始喷涂. 首先,

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 增益魔法:6、霍克伊:召唤增益魔法(BUFF)与鸟进行攻击,是库尼族男战士命名的怪物. 7、冰王马拉加:利用雪山的巨大冰块来进行刺攻击,是图卢斯族男战士命名的怪物. 8、莱里特.拉里:利用强大的旋转进行快而温柔的攻击,是图卢斯族女战士命名的怪物,

3. buff的意思

3. 抛光轮:第二种抛光方式系预先在抛光轮(Buff)上车出晶片外缘的形状,再进行抛光的动作. 边缘抛光后的晶片必需马上清洗,清洗过后,再做目视检查是否有缺口(Chip)、裂痕(Scratch)或污染物的存在,再进行晶圆表面抛光.

buff 词典解释

1. 浅棕色;米色
    Something that is buff is pale brown in colour.

    e.g. He took a largish buff envelope from his pocket.

2. 迷;行家
    You use buff to describe someone who knows a lot about a particular subject. For example, if you describe someone as a film buff, you mean that they know a lot about films.

    e.g. Judge Lanier is a real film buff...
    e.g. Any competent computer buff should be able to do it for you in a few minutes.

3. 用软布擦亮
    If you buff the surface of something, for example your car or your shoes, you rub it with a piece of soft material in order to make it shine.


    e.g. He was already buffing the car's hubs.

Regular buffing helps prevent nails from splitting.

buff 单语例句


1. The typical Pirate Party supporter is a young, male Internet buff.

2. But investors looking to buff up their portfolios by year's end were behind most of the gains after major indexes languished last week.

3. Cawley noted that BMI does not distinguish muscle from fat and can equate a buff body builder to a couch potato.

4. A group of about a dozen netizens has mobilized to help a film buff in Nanjing make her own movie.

5. He has devoted more than a decade to the research of the book and describes himself as a buff for the book.

6. There are only two ways that you might know Crown Wine Cellars - either you are a history buff or a wine lover.

7. I am no porcelain buff but Jingdezhen has always been one of those cities I have always wanted to visit.

8. This is in top of Katie recruiting the company'Buff Brides'to help her get in shape for her wedding to Tom.

9. But they were vastly outnumbered by the dozens of journalists watching them lift, row and cycle in the buff.

10. With Toronto a major destination for Asian travelers, a trip to Ontario's Niagara region should be seriously considered by any wine buff.

buff 英英释义



1. an implement consisting of soft material mounted on a block
    used for polishing (as in manicuring)

    Synonym: buffer

2. a medium to dark tan color

    Synonym: yellowish brownraw siennacaramelcaramel brown

3. bare skin

    e.g. swimming in the buff

4. an ardent follower and admirer

    Synonym: fandevoteelover

5. a soft thick undyed leather from the skins of e.g. buffalo or oxen



1. polish and make shiny

    e.g. buff the wooden floors
           buff my shoes

    Synonym: burnishfurbish

2. strike, beat repeatedly

    e.g. The wind buffeted him

    Synonym: buffet


1. of the yellowish-beige color of buff leather

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