
bunker是什么意思 bunker在线翻译 bunker什么意思 bunker的意思 bunker的翻译 bunker的解释 bunker的发音 bunker的同义词 bunker的反义词 bunker的例句

bunker [ˈbʌŋkə(r)]  [ˈbʌŋkɚ] 


bunker 基本解释

名词沙坑; 地堡; 燃料库

动词把(煤等)堆入舱内; 使陷入困境; 把球击入沙坑


bunker 网络解释

1. 沙坑:这些设计有:沙坑(Bunker). 一块除去草皮或泥土而铺上细沙的凹陷地区称之为沙坑,形状、大小、深浅不一,普遍分布在球道上及果岭四周,是许多球场设计家表现他设计风格的重点之一. 5、果岭(Green)系指当前正在使用之球洞而专为推杆而设之全部区域,

2. 地堡:新型合金钢(Neosteel)是Terran使用的一种非常经久耐用的金属,战列巡洋舰(Battlecruiser)的部分装甲就是用这种金属制造的. 它还用于CMC装甲,地堡(Bunker),雷神(Thor),混凝土中的钢筋,和安全门的制作等.

3. 碉堡:铁丝网、沙包、医院、雷达站、总部、修车厂(garage)的作用,相信玩家们从名称上就可以明白其用途,这里笔者就不再一一解释,而重要的是以下的设施:三、了望塔、枪堡(MG hideout)、防御塔、碉堡(bunker)这四种防御型设施,建好后将士兵驻扎进去,

bunker 词典解释

1. (通常建于地下的)掩体;地堡
    A bunker is a place, usually underground, that has been built with strong walls to protect it against heavy gunfire and bombing.


    e.g. ...an extensive network of fortified underground bunkers.

2. 煤箱;燃料箱
    A bunker is a container for coal or other fuel.

3. (高尔夫球场上的)沙坑
    On a golf course, a bunker is a large area filled with sand, which is deliberately put there as an obstacle that golfers must try to avoid.

4. (高尔夫球运动中)把球击入沙坑
    In golf, if you bunker a shot, you hit your ball into the bunker.

    e.g. She bunkered her second shot.

bunker 单语例句

1. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice took the call in a bunker beneath the presidential mansion.

2. Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini said Tuesday Gadhafi is still in his bunker in Tripoli, where fighting is going on.

3. Hitler committed suicide in the bunker in 1945 as the Red Army converged on Berlin.

4. She hit into an impossible lie in a fairway bunker and eventually had to escape by playing out backwards.

5. And from the rough left of the ninth fairway, his approach barely cleared the bunker and bounced off a knob to 18 feet.

6. He finished in style, hitting out of a fairway bunker to 15 feet and making that for birdie.

7. He then struck a tree out of the rough and put his third into a bunker on the way to a double bogey.

8. This one plugged under the lip of the front bunker, and Woods made bogey to fall into a tie.

9. Russian officials have said Hitler and Braun's bodies were removed from a shell crater outside the bunker shortly after he died.

10. Local television has put up tickets for the bunker in a prize draw, and will be broadcasting live from inside on the night.

bunker 英英释义


1. a hazard on a golf course

    Synonym: sand traptrap

2. a fortification of earth
    mostly or entirely below ground

    Synonym: dugout

3. a large container for storing fuel

    e.g. the ship's bunkers were full of coal


1. hit a golf ball into a bunker

2. transfer cargo from a ship to a warehouse

3. fill (a ship's bunker) with coal or oil

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