
buttery是什么意思 buttery在线翻译 buttery什么意思 buttery的意思 buttery的翻译 buttery的解释 buttery的发音 buttery的同义词 buttery的反义词

buttery 基本解释



buttery 网络解释

1. 黄油味:(2)黄油味(buttery) 表明在咖啡中,油性悬浮物较多.大多数在压力作用下煮制出采的咖啡--如浓 缩咖啡,经常会有这种口感.压力作用使豆纤维里的油质被充分提取.

2. buttery的意思

2. 食品室:buttery hatch 小窗口 | buttery 食品室 | buttock 屁股

3. 食品储藏室;贮藏库:涂灰浆 buttering | 食品储藏室;贮藏库 buttery | 扶壁刚性梁 buttress bracing strut

4. buttery是什么意思

4. 酒贮藏室:buttery 食品室 | buttery 酒贮藏室 | butting 扎接

buttery 双语例句

1. Escolar, a nasty fish with buttery flesh that can cause bizarre episodes of diarrhea, accompanied by a waxy intestinal discharge.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. It is applied with brushes or a thin palette knife, usually onto a stretched linen canvas.

3. It had a buttery, crumbly, graham cracker crust, with a

4. buttery的反义词

4. And Satan presented Thousand-Island Dressing, buttery croutons and garlic toast on the side.

5. We fully enrobe each crunchy-crisp tart apple with a thick coat of warm, buttery caramel.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

6. One of the pollution sources is air pollution, and the other one is the buttery pollution.

7. For now, he may use the buttery treat as a battle cry.

8. They`ll be fattened for the sushi market where their buttery meat fetches high prices.

9. We have workpiece materials from a very soft, buttery consistency to very hard and shear resistant.

10. These buttery motherfuckers will melt in your mouth.

11. I like it salty and buttery!

12. They`ll be fattened for the sushi market, where their buttery meat fetches high prices.

13. Diacetyl was responsible for a buttery flavor in beer. The threshold concentration was lower than 0.15 mg/L.
      丁二酮 为影响啤酒熟成风味的主要成份,其风味辨别阀值为0.15 mg/L。

14. If you are not familiar with buttermilk it has a nice thick creamy texture with a rich tangy buttery taste that makes baked goods tender.

15. These included the great kitchen, privy kitchen, cellar, larder, pantry, buttery, ewery, saucery, chaundry, spicery, poultery and victualling house. They were staffed by 200 people, serving 600 meals a day.

16. buttery的解释

16. Not quite the right association for purveyors of $1, 000, buttery-soft leather handbags and expensive shoes.

17. Parasites. Not quite the right association for purveyors of $1, 000, buttery-soft leather handbags and expensive shoes.

18. Parasite s. Not quite the right association for purveyors of $1, 000, buttery-soft leather handbags and expensive shoes.

19. The smooth perforated leather is buttery-soft; not the usual vinyl-like leather used on most cars.

20. buttery

20. SolidBody players will lust after the shimmering feathered koa top of the XXXV-SB-K and the buttery golden waves of quilted maple on the XXXV-SB-QM.

buttery 词典解释

1. 含黄油的;涂黄油的
    Buttery food contains butter or is covered with butter.

    e.g. ...buttery new potatoes.
    e.g. ...the buttery taste of the pastry.

buttery 单语例句


1. What pops into your mind when you come across a buttery ear of corn?

2. The chicken breast was very scrumptious and so was the buttery mashed potatoes.

3. It had a buttery crumb with a melting texture, studded with bits of ripe peach.

4. Pair it with a buttery yellow green glass of Riesling and it's a marriage made in culinary heaven.

5. A buttery sweet dish was the flaky baked cod fish with mushroom sauce.

6. They also sell a mixed box of cookies that is full of crunchy, buttery goodness.

7. The additive gives foods a buttery taste and has been linked to severe lung disease in some microwave popcorn and flavor plant workers.

8. Bite into the buttery cake topped with soft fragrant chunks of apple and chase it down with a cup of hot milky tea.

buttery 英英释义


1. a teashop where students in British universities can purchase light meals

2. a small storeroom for storing foods or wines

    Synonym: pantrylarder



1. resembling or containing or spread with butter

    e.g. a rich buttery cake

2. unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating in manner or speech

    e.g. buttery praise
           gave him a fulsome introduction
           an oily sycophantic press agent
           oleaginous hypocrisy
           smarmy self-importance
           the unctuous Uriah Heep
           soapy compliments

    Synonym: fulsomeoilyoleaginoussmarmysoapyunctuous

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