
buy是什么意思 buy在线翻译 buy什么意思 buy的意思 buy的翻译 buy的解释 buy的发音 buy的同义词 buy的反义词 buy的例句 buy的相关词组

buy [baɪ]  [baɪ] 


buy 基本解释



名词交易,买卖; 便宜货

及物动词够支付; 买通; 收买; 贿赂


buy 相关词组

1. buy into : 出钱入(某组织或企业);

2. buy in : 买进;

3. buy over : 收买;


buy 情景对话


A:Can I buy you a drink?

B:Actually I'd rather have the money.


A:Another one (can’t hurt / might be useful/ could serve a purpose).

B:Well, buy it if you want to. It’s your money.



A:Do you want to buy something here?

B:These shoes are great!What is the price of this?


A:This one is eight hundred dollars.


B:That’s too much!

buy 网络解释

1. buy的解释

1. 购买按钮:要购买商品,在右框中输入要购买的商品数量,或使用按钮输入(4个按钮从左到右分别为数量清零、数量-1、数量+1、输入最大值),再点击下方购买按钮(Buy)即可购买.

buy 词典解释

1. 买;购买
    If you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it.

    e.g. He could not afford to buy a house...
    e.g. They can now be bought fresh in supermarkets...

2. 买到;能买;够买
    If you talk about the quantity or standard of goods an amount of money buys, you are referring to the price of the goods or the value of the money.


    e.g. About £35,000 buys a habitable house...
    e.g. If the pound's value is high, British investors will spend their money abroad because the pound will buy them more.

3. (争取或付出一定代价以)获得,赢得
    If you buy something like time, freedom, or victory, you obtain it but only by offering or giving up something in return.

    e.g. It was a risky operation, but might buy more time...
    e.g. For them, affluence was bought at the price of less freedom in their work environment.

4. 收买;贿赂
    If you say that a person can be bought, you are criticizing the fact that they will give their help or loyalty to someone in return for money.

    e.g. Once he shows he can be bought, they settle down to a regular payment.

5. 相信;接受
    If you buy an idea or a theory, you believe and accept it.


    e.g. I'm not buying any of that nonsense.

6. 划算的东西;性价比高的商品
    If something is a good buy, it is of good quality and not very expensive.

    e.g. This was still a good buy even at the higher price...
    e.g. S & G offers great buys on computer software. S & G

Do not confuse buy and pay. If you buy something, you obtain it by paying money for it. Gary's bought a bicycle. If you pay someone, pay them money, or pay for something, you give someone money for something they are selling to you. I paid the taxi driver...I need some money to pay the window cleaner... Some people are forced to pay for their own medicines. If you pay a bill or debt, you pay the amount of money that is owed. He paid his bill and left... We were paying £50 for a single room.
不要混淆buy和pay。buy指通过付钱获得某物:Gary's bought a bicycle(加里买了一辆自行车)。pay指为购买某物付钱给某人:I paid the taxi driver(我付钱给出租车司机),I need some money to pay the window cleaner(我需要些钱付给玻璃清洁工),Some people are forced to pay for their own medicines(一些人被迫自付药费)。付账或还债用Pay:He paid his bill and left(他付完账走了),We were paying £50 for a single room(我们开一个单人间要付50英镑)。

相关词组:buy intobuy offbuy outbuy up

buy 单语例句

1. Analysts from Analysys International also said that the failure of Best Buy's business model in China is not good for the industry as a whole.

2. The pawnbroker said some small business people are pawning private items to raise capital to buy wholesale souvenirs that they sell to tourists.

3. The company's services business was the largest by revenue in the quarter, boosted by the EDS buy.

4. Chen said he planned to buy an apartment and open up a business with his newfound wealth.

5. Initially she photographed her vegetables and recorded their growth to show businessman who came to buy her products they were environmentally friendly.

6. Litang is a bustling little town with colorful street life thanks to the nomadic shepherds and Tibetan people coming to sell and buy their products.

7. My gut reaction upon hearing of garlic's rise was to get off my butt and go buy as much as I could.

8. Wealthier people in Beijing tried all means to get foreign exchange certificates to buy butter, cheese and home appliances such as toasters available only at the Friendship Store.

9. The US Congress has finally passed the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 which contains a protectionist " Buy American " clause.

10. Most Chinese purchase the glorious flowers for New Year's gifts, while Westerners buy them all year around.

buy 英英释义



1. an advantageous purchase

    e.g. she got a bargain at the auction
           the stock was a real buy at that price

    Synonym: bargainsteal



1. accept as true

    e.g. I can't buy this story

2. obtain by purchase
    acquire by means of a financial transaction

    e.g. The family purchased a new car
           The conglomerate acquired a new company
           She buys for the big department store

    Synonym: purchase

3. acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange

    e.g. She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work

4. make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence

    e.g. This judge can be bought

    Synonym: bribecorruptgrease one's palms

5. be worth or be capable of buying

    e.g. This sum will buy you a ride on the train

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