
cage是什么意思 cage在线翻译 cage什么意思 cage的意思 cage的翻译 cage的解释 cage的发音 cage的同义词 cage的反义词 cage的例句 cage的相关词组

cage [keɪdʒ]  [kedʒ] 


cage 基本解释

名词笼子; 牢房; 升降车; [棒]练球场

及物动词把…关入牢中; 把…关进笼内; 把(冰球等)打入球门


cage 相关例句


1. After the leopard was caught, it was caged.


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The old man made a cage for birds.

cage 网络解释

1. cage

1. 凯奇:现场演奏电子音乐(不是指采用特制乐器的那种)始于磁带录音之前,凯奇(Cage)在<<想象的景色>>第二号(1942)的配器中已采用扩音器和震荡器,但直到六十年代,电子手段才在现场表演中广泛使用.

2. cage的近义词

2. cage:chinese association of gifted education; 中华资优教育学会

3. cage:cancer associated gene; 癌症相关基因

cage 词典解释

1. 笼子;鸟笼;兽笼
    A cage is a structure of wire or metal bars in which birds or animals are kept.

    e.g. I hate to see birds in cages.

2. 使焦躁不安;令心神不宁
    If someone rattles your cage, they do something which is intended to make you feel nervous.


    e.g. If he's trying to rattle your cage, it's working.

cage 单语例句

1. People saw Cage's friend David Tudor sit at the piano and mark the beginning of the piece by closing the keyboard lid.

2. " The Cage Man " incident shows the dilemma of grassroots administration.

3. Zoo visitors are now lining up to take a photo with the mynah in its cage and laugh heartily when it shouts at uncivilized visitors.

4. The heaps of golden corn cover Cui Shulan's small yard under the early morning sun, waiting to be tossed into a wooden cage raised with four stilts.

5. To let such officials implement checks on their use of power is like letting a bird build a cage to put itself in.

6. An animal expert said if an animal stays in a cage too long, it loses its innate behaviours and also its zoological value.

7. He electrified some specially designed cages coated with a paint that gave off a fragrant smell to lure rats into the cage.

8. The male panda takes one look at her proffered hindquarters and scoots over to the far corner of his cage.

9. The keeper entered a cage to feed a tiger on October 21 but failed to lock the den where the animals were kept.

10. A python escaped from its cage at a traveling circus and strangled an employee, said police in the southern Russian city of Stavropol.

cage 英英释义



1. a movable screen placed behind home base to catch balls during batting practice

    Synonym: batting cage

2. an enclosure made or wire or metal bars in which birds or animals can be kept

    Synonym: coop

3. the net that is the goal in ice hockey

4. something that restricts freedom as a cage restricts movement



1. confine in a cage

    e.g. The animal was caged

    Synonym: cage in

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