
calculation是什么意思 calculation在线翻译 calculation什么意思 calculation的意思 calculation的翻译 calculation的解释 calculation的发音

calculation [ˌkælkjuˈleɪʃn]  [ˌkælkjəˈleʃən] 


calculation 基本解释


名词计算,盘算; 估计; 计算的结果; 深思熟虑,慎重的计划

calculation 网络解释

1. calculation的解释

1. 运算:唔会用symbols,难怪中国几千年既文化,数学上除了+-x/用算盘计得快可完全唔用脑,精於运算(calculation)而不精於数学(Maths)......No Eye See (+_+) 写:唔会用symbols,难怪中国几千年既文化,数学上除了+-x/用算盘计得快可完全唔用脑,

2. 算计:科学家永世也无法准确的预测一个活生生的人下一分钟将会做什么. 我说爱是宗旨而非手段是与理性(reason)相对的. 作为宗旨的爱,其根蒂不足是算计(calculation),用韦伯的见解,爱是价钱理性(value-rational)而非用具理性(instrumental-rational).

3. calculation:calc; 计算

calculation 词典解释

1. 计算;运算;计算结果
    A calculation is something that you think about and work out mathematically. Calculation is the process of working something out mathematically.


    e.g. Leonard made a rapid calculation: he'd never make it in time.
    e.g. ...the calculation of their assets.

2. 估算;估计;推断;预测
    A calculation is something that you think carefully about and arrive at a conclusion on after having considered all the relevant factors.

    e.g. For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.

3. 算计;盘算
    If you describe someone's behaviour as calculation, you are criticizing them because they seem to think only of themselves and not of other people.

    e.g. ...cold, unspeakably cruel calculation.

calculation 单语例句

1. The calculation of " hot money " has always been controversial in China.

2. The authority said it is also studying the feasibility of providing various overnight shift allowances to doctors according to different calculation systems of each specialty.

3. Beijing last year fulfilled its target to cut the sulphur dioxide discharge by 10 percent, according to a primary calculation made by the Ministry of Environmental Protection.

4. Calculation of Green GDP will include what costs should be paid for choking smog, poisoned rivers and toxic waste in the course of China's impressive economic growth.

5. Jiang said they were closely watching the groups and the specific number of gazelles would be revealed following further observation and calculation.

6. Some economists said China should reform its CPI calculation system, which they called outdated and misleading if used as an indicator for policy making.

7. But these activities do exist in reality and they may have a bearing on the calculation of the revenues of some related legal economic activities.

8. The league said it had offered to increase each team's salary cap by raising the percentage upon which that calculation is based.

9. With detailed explanations of the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions, the guidelines help managers of buildings understand how to quantify gas emissions.

10. The 16 cases of human error involved wrong calculation or transcription of scores or wrong use of score sheets.

calculation 英英释义



1. the procedure of calculating
    determining something by mathematical or logical methods

    Synonym: computationcomputing

2. planning something carefully and intentionally

    e.g. it was the deliberation of his act that was insulting

    Synonym: deliberation

3. problem solving that involves numbers or quantities

    Synonym: computationfiguringreckoning

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