
capability是什么意思 capability在线翻译 capability什么意思 capability的意思 capability的翻译 capability的解释 capability的发音 capability的同义词

capability [ˌkeɪpəˈbɪləti]  [ˌkeɪpə'bɪləti] 


capability 基本解释

名词性能; 容量; 才能,能力; 生产率

capability 网络解释

1. 性能:这里指的应该是 性能(Capability) / 价格(Price) 吧!?其实2种都有人说 不过就高C/P值 越值得买的 方向解释 应该是指性能(Capability) / 价格(Price) 是吗??这里指的应该是 性能(Capability) / 价格(Price) 吧!?

2. capability的翻译

2. 才干:总理眼中的5C理想候选人 (1)才干(Capability):他过去是否有良好表现?他是否有潜能 担任政治职位?他判断力强吗?他有领导能力吗? (2)品格(Character):他品格有缺陷吗?他能够与人相处并推动 他们吗? (3)同情心(Compassion):他愿意为他人服务吗?

capability 词典解释

1. 能力;素质
    If you have the capability or the capabilities to do something, you have the ability or the qualities that are necessary to do it.

    e.g. People experience differences in physical and mental capability depending on the time of day...
    e.g. The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes' capabilities now.

2. (国家的)军事力量
    A country's military capability is its ability to fight in a war.

    e.g. Their military capability has been reduced because their air force has proved not to be effective...
    e.g. They have the capability to destroy the enemy in days rather than weeks.

capability 单语例句

1. The business management and operation capability was obviously unable to catch up with the rapidly increasing business scale.

2. It would raise inflation in the US and reduce Americans'buying power, and decrease the value of China's holdings as well as its export capability.

3. " It's out of my capability, " Zhou said with a sigh.

4. This expansion of rural residents'legislative influence will ultimately translate into their greater capability to score wins for their economic interests through the political system.

5. These aircraft add greater capability against coastal missile batteries that could threaten shipping, as well as extend the US reach so it can strike targets deeper inside Iran.

6. Party organizations at all levels should strengthen their capability of dissolving their own contradictions, face squarely at and settle existing problems and never avoid or whitewash them.

7. It intends to break the global and regional strategic balance, minimize other countries'capability of strategic counterattack during emergencies and squeeze their strategic space.

8. Jiang urged full preparation for winning a fight on the basis of existing weapons, improving the overall combat capability of military units and making preparations against war.

9. It called the snow havoc an event that would test the will, resolution and capability of leaders of various levels to deal with crisis and overcome difficulties.

10. Washington believes that its waning influence would weaken its capability to intervene in other countries'internal affairs and thus the new policy thrust.

capability 英英释义



1. the quality of being capable -- physically or intellectually or legally

    e.g. he worked to the limits of his capability

    Synonym: capableness

2. an aptitude that may be developed

    Synonym: capablenesspotentiality

3. the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment

    e.g. the capability of a metal to be fused

    Synonym: capacity

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