
cascade是什么意思 cascade在线翻译 cascade什么意思 cascade的意思 cascade的翻译 cascade的解释 cascade的发音 cascade的同义词 cascade的反义词

cascade [kæˈskeɪd]  [kæˈsked] 


cascade 基本解释


名词串联; 倾泻; 小瀑布,瀑布状物

不及物动词流注; 大量落下

cascade 相关例句


1. His money cascaded away in a couple of years.


1. The river fell in a series of cascades down towards the lake.

2. cascade

2. Her long hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls.

3. Her hair fell over her shoulders in a cascade of curls.

cascade 网络解释

1. 串联:对负责管理业务永续服务、复制、和灾难复原策略的资管经理人而言,新3 Data Center Universal Replicator串联(cascade)pass-through解决方案是一种区域外(out-of-region)防护策略,在中介站(intermediate site)提供动态配置储存群组,

2. cascade:computer aided system and control analysis and design environment; 计算机辅助系统、控制分析与设计环境

cascade 词典解释

1. 大量;许多
    If you refer to a cascade of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it.


    e.g. The women have lustrous cascades of black hair...
    e.g. A cascade of mail arrived from friends.

2. 瀑布
    A cascade is a waterfall.

3. (水)飞流直下,倾泻而下
    If water cascades somewhere, it pours or flows downwards very fast and in large quantities.

    e.g. She hung on as the freezing, rushing water cascaded past her...
    e.g. A waterfall cascades down the cliff from the hills behind.

4. 垂落;悬挂
    If one thing cascades over another, it falls or hangs over it.


    e.g. Vivid red and pink geraniums cascade over my balcony...
    e.g. From her tiny waist a crinolined skirt cascaded in three deep tiers.

cascade 单语例句


1. It suggests that after the initial pattern targets are achieved, there is now a higher probability that these markets will also cascade to lower levels.

2. The lavish display prompted cheers among the crowd and culminated with a cascade of white lights that poured down the castle's walls.

3. Iran confirmed it had launched a second cascade of centrifuges last Sunday and vowed to press ahead with the peaceful use of nuclear energy.

4. Scientists have known for years that puberty begins when a child's brain orders the release of hormones that cascade through the body.

5. The move literally pulled the runway out from under Miss America and led to a cascade of problems threatening its future.

6. Giant boulders crowd and direct the stream from tumbling cascade to deep pool and ever downwards.

7. The injection of the uranium gas into the second cascade marked Iran's first known enrichment since February.

8. This compromise may include a Russian promise to let the Iranians run a cascade of 20 centrifuges for enrichment research.

9. The result may be a cascade of falling prices and a very rapid trend collapse as gold is sold.

10. The Westin Bund Center Shanghai has a heated indoor swimming pool with a unique feature that creates a cascade of water into the outdoor area.

cascade 英英释义


1. a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower

    e.g. a little shower of rose petals
           a sudden cascade of sparks

    Synonym: shower

2. a succession of stages or operations or processes or units

    e.g. progressing in severity as though a cascade of genetic damage was occurring
           separation of isotopes by a cascade of processes

3. a small waterfall or series of small waterfalls


1. arrange (open windows) on a computer desktop so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible

2. rush down in big quantities, like a cascade

    Synonym: cascade down

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