
casting是什么意思 casting在线翻译 casting什么意思 casting的意思 casting的翻译 casting的解释 casting的发音 casting的同义词 casting的反义词

casting [ˈkɑ:stɪŋ]  [ˈkæstɪŋ] 


casting 基本解释

名词铸造,铸件; 角色分配; 投掷; [动]脱落物

动词铸造; 扔掉(cast的现在分词); 投掷; 选派演员


casting 网络解释

1. 铸件:[简介]铸件(casting) 时间:2008-10-15 06:17:04 来源: 作者: 定义 [编辑本段] 用铸造方法获得的金属物件,即把熔炼好铸件有多种分类方法:按其所用金属材料的不同,分为铸钢件、铸铁件、铸铜件、铸铝件、铸镁件、铸锌件、铸钛件等.

2. 铸造:可发性PS可用...摘要: 铸造(casting) 铸造是将金属熔炼成符合一定要求的液体并浇进铸型里,经冷却凝固、清整处理后得到有预定形状、尺寸和性能的铸件的工艺过程.

3. casting的近义词

3. 浇铸:浇铸 (casting) 是塑料加工的一种方法. 早期的浇铸是在常压下将液态单体或预聚物注入模具内﹐经聚合而固化成型﹐变成与模具内腔形状相同的制品. 20 世纪初﹐酚醛树脂最早用浇铸法成型. 30 年代中期﹐用甲基丙烯酸甲酯的预聚物浇铸成有机玻璃 (ref: 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 ) .

4. casting的意思

4. 铸模:[技术摘要] 本发明有关一种聚酰亚胺的新颖制法,包括使二酸酐与二胺反应形成聚酰胺酸(polyamic acid)后,藉由将聚酰胺酸涂布或藉铸模(casting)等方法涂布于支持体上,再移除溶剂藉由控制聚酰胺酸的挥发份含量在10重量%以下,

casting 词典解释

1. 铸件;铸造品
    A casting is an object or piece of machinery which has been made by pouring a liquid such as hot metal into a container, so that when it hardens it has the required shape.

    e.g. ...stainless steel castings for Waterloo Station.

casting 单语例句


1. But his campaign to " buy " the Diaoyu Islands threatens to hijack Japan's diplomacy toward China and is casting a shadow over bilateral ties.

2. An Egyptian woman reads a ballot before casting her vote at a polling station during the parliamentary election in Cairo on Monday.

3. But stations almost all over China were already casting calisthenics aside in favor of other programs.

4. When production companies send out a casting call for extras, agents at the actors'union look into their databases to match talent to roles.

5. Within days, she received a call asking her to an office for a casting session.

6. The casting call has wrapped up for a Chinese musical version of Carmen.

7. It's known in the West as the " casting couch ".

8. The casting couch scandal that erupted in China's entertainment industry last year has essentially turned every struggling actress into a suspect of moral compromise.

9. By the time the speakers had explained all of this to us, many of the guests were casting lusty looks towards the open bottles.

10. " Some people have accused me of being a nerd from central casting, " Rudd replied during a talk radio segment on the youth station Nova.

casting 英英释义


1. the choice of actors to play particular roles in a play or movie

2. the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel

    Synonym: cast

3. the act of creating something by casting it in a mold

    Synonym: molding

4. object formed by a mold

    Synonym: cast

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