
molding是什么意思 molding在线翻译 molding什么意思 molding的意思 molding的翻译 molding的解释 molding的发音 molding的同义词 molding的反义词

molding ['məʊldɪŋ]  [ˈmoldɪŋ] 


molding 基本解释

名词成型; 制模; 铸造; [建]凹凸形

molding 网络解释

1. 成型:■ 以热冲胶一体成型(MOLDING)连接接头及线材,有效防止接头脱落及镀金部分氧化■ 引线为4对线径24AWG(0.5mm)七股式纯铜绞线(STRANDED WIRE)组成,柔软度佳且不易因扭折而断裂

2. 模塑:本产品专用于大功率LED填充/灌注模塑(Molding)等,具有高张性,固化后有良好的弹性及强度,耐高低温,能在零下50℃/高温250℃范围内长期使用,耐大气老化衰减等.

3. molding的反义词

3. 铸造:这个思想-形态知道如何分离空间/时间铸造(molding)与被解构(unmold)的空间/时间扭曲,因此使得(该器皿)的健康程度恢复到接受治疗之前的状态.医者是强壮的,重新打造(remold)这些肾脏变貌的合同也仍然生效.问题点在于两种魔法工作(的对决

4. 塑造:正常的程序, 假设和谐地解除黄色-光芒体显化, 心智与灵性复合体会安歇在以太或靛蓝色(光芒)体之中 直到某个时间该实体开始准备下一次的降生, 以太能量塑造(molding)一个形体, 显化并激活它.

molding 词典解释

1. -> see moulding

molding 单语例句

1. Molding human figures and animals from clay or glutinous rice flour is a popular folk art in both urban and rural areas in China.

2. " I would stand behind the peddlers and watch their skillful molding, " said You.

3. The effects of the tariff are already being felt in China, not least by workers at the nation's tire molding plants.

4. Agricultural industrialization is the process of carrying out technological molding of traditional agriculture and promoting agricultural sciences and technologies.

5. The father and son often teach visitors from home and abroad their dough molding skills.

6. Melamine resin is known as a thermoset plastic, because the plastic is fixed after molding.

7. It was a fortunate thing for her because she found academic vocal training to be a process of molding.

8. Craftsmen of sugar sculpture are good at enlarging volume by blowing and enriching details by molding and creating interesting dynamics by connecting parts by springs.

molding 英英释义



1. the act of creating something by casting it in a mold

    Synonym: casting

2. a preliminary sculpture in wax or clay from which a finished work can be copied

    Synonym: modelingmodellingmoulding

3. sculpture produced by molding

    Synonym: moldmouldmouldingmodelingclay sculpture

4. a decorative recessed or relieved surface on an edge

    Synonym: mouldingborder

5. a decorative strip used for ornamentation or finishing

    Synonym: moulding

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