
colours是什么意思 colours在线翻译 colours什么意思 colours的意思 colours的翻译 colours的解释 colours的发音 colours的同义词 colours的反义词

colours ['kʌləz]  ['kʌləz] 


colours 基本解释


名词彩色; 国旗; 旗帜; 船旗; 军旗; 颜色( colour的名词复数 ); 肤色; (用于服装、旗帜等代表团队、学校、政党或国家的)色彩

动词(用颜料、彩色笔等)为…着色( colour的第三人称单数 ); (尤指负面地)影响; (因尴尬而)脸红


colours 网络解释

1. colours的翻译

1. 颜色:首先,在话题的选择上,尽量选择最贴近小学生日常生活,而且是小学生最感兴趣的话题,如饮食(food and drink)、动物(animals)、玩具(toys)、学习用具(school things)、颜色(colours)、身体部位(body)等等;在词汇的选择上,

2. 色彩:曾听过这样一节英语课,教学内容是关于英语色彩(colours)名称的学习,老师在运用图片进行单词和句型教学后,就化了大量的时间让学生给一些图片着色,使后半节课几乎成了美术课,学生的着色活动完全脱离了英语语言的实践,这样,

3. <<色>:案例一:教学关于颜色(colours)的英语名称课堂上,活动虽一个接着一个,令人眼花缭乱. 而稍稍作一思索,便会发现这么多活动只是在围绕着5、6个颜色词汇打转. 再看各个活动,毫无瓜葛,相对独立,整体性不强,其目的只是为了反复地操练词汇.

4. 缤纷的色彩:18 Let's Travel大家一起去旅行 | 19 Colours缤纷的色彩 | 20 Wild Animals野生动物

colours 单语例句

1. These are the three colours that compose the back cover of the CD, and they are the colours that Cui wants to show to the listeners.

2. Fans opting for a soccer burial can choose between a range of HSV coffins, urns and flower arrangements in the club's colours.

3. " I met people of many different colours, " Chen said.

4. Some spammers even insert many normal characters between the banned keywords, and then highlight those keywords using different colours to put their real information through.

5. Other primary or middle schools sell different sets of uniforms of various styles and colours for different seasons and even within the same season.

6. A local funeral parlour even offers coffins in the blue and white Schalke colours or Schalke urns for the truly devoted.

7. We didn't qualify fastest in the men's team pursuit but they came out fighting, have broken the world record and shown their true colours.

8. The fashion week has seen designers experimenting with strong colours rather than seasonal whites and muted pastels.

9. The venue is just as visually impressive from the inside, with its black and orange seats representing the colours of a basketball.

10. Although the ideological colours in the relationship between the EU and China have faded significantly, the EU still harbours political prejudice against China on some matters.

colours 英英释义


1. a flag that shows its nationality

    Synonym: colors

2. a distinguishing emblem

    e.g. his tie proclaimed his school colors

    Synonym: colors

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