
commando是什么意思 commando在线翻译 commando什么意思 commando的意思 commando的翻译 commando的解释 commando的发音 commando的同义词

commando [kəˈmɑ:ndəʊ]  [kəˈmændoʊ] 

第三人称复数:commandoes; commandos

commando 基本解释

名词突击队,突击队员; [史](南非布尔战争时代的)义勇队

commando 网络解释

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 独闯龙潭:一 前天和楼上一哥们聊天时,说起当年贴在床头的人物画,他说记忆中主要就两张:一张是施瓦辛格,<<独闯龙潭>>(Commando)中的造型:黑色油彩 嘟嘟啷啷一堆手雷...

2. 独闯龙潭(魔鬼司令):本站提供独闯龙潭/魔鬼司令(Commando)在线观看服务,但暂不独闯龙潭/魔鬼司令(Commando)下载. 建优质网站,拒绝违法色情信息. 所有资源收集于网络,仅做宽带测试,如侵害您的权益请及时联系我们. 本站不具有有关独闯龙潭/魔鬼司令(Commando)的所有版权,相关版权归原著作权人所有!

3. 魔鬼司令:80年代中后期,比尔.杜克先后出演了<<魔鬼司令>>(Commando)、<<铁血战士>>(Predator)和<<魔鬼暴警>>(Action Jackson)等火爆激烈的动作影片,他的面孔渐渐为电影观众所熟悉.

commando 词典解释

1. 突击队
    A commando is a group of soldiers who have been specially trained to carry out surprise attacks.


    e.g. ...a small commando of marines...
    e.g. The hostages were freed in the commando raid.

2. 突击队员
    A commando is a soldier who is a member of a commando.

    e.g. Captain David Clement and 150 commandos stormed the port this morning.

commando 单语例句

1. The 13 signatories to the commando letter were all identified as being reservists, but it was not clear how many were still involved in active military duty.

2. A group calling itself the " Africa Marine Commando " has claimed responsibility for the kidnapping.

3. The defense ministry has said fully confirming the special commando forces existed could hurt already delicate relations with the North.

4. Peterson said the 22 men were wearing police commando uniforms but turned out to be employed by the Interior Ministry as highway patrol officers.

5. On Wednesday it said more than 300 US soldiers backed by military aircraft were searching the wooded mountains to locate the missing commando.

6. The commando raid to free them in April prompted a shootout in which the French captain and two pirates were killed.

7. Transport helicopters flew in commando teams and trucks later drove more troops to the area.

8. But he has maintained a steady stream of events and activities that have kept the success of the commando operation at the forefront.

9. All you would have to do is read them out until you were confident enough to go conversational commando.

10. American officials said the courier and his brother were killed in the American commando raid on the compound early Monday.

commando 英英释义



1. an amphibious military unit trained for raids into enemy territory

2. a member of a military unit trained as shock troops for hit-and-run raids

    Synonym: ranger

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