
compulsive是什么意思 compulsive在线翻译 compulsive什么意思 compulsive的意思 compulsive的翻译 compulsive的解释 compulsive的发音 compulsive的同义词

compulsive [kəmˈpʌlsɪv]  [kəmˈpʌlsɪv] 

compulsive 基本解释

形容词强迫性的; 极有趣的; 令人着迷的; 因着迷而引起的


compulsive 相关例句


1. Compulsive drinking is bad for one's health.

compulsive 网络解释

1. 强迫性:正子检查法(positiongesture)、会合并摇头晃脑和耸动身体可能会同时出现、可能会有一些自然流露出强迫性(compulsive)仪式的行为. 另有少数学者认为有些妥瑞症患者在tic发生之前有前驱症状,就像是感觉眼皮酸所以眨眼睛,感觉脖子酸所以摇头、耸肩,

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 强制的:compulsion 强迫 | compulsive 强制的 | compulsively 强制地

3. 强迫性的:compulsion repetition 强迫重复 | compulsive 强迫性的 | compulsive act 强迫动作

4. 强迫的;强制的;禁不住的:compulsion 强迫 | compulsive 强迫的 强制的 禁不住的 | compulsory 强迫的

compulsive 词典解释

1. 难以抑制的;不能自拔的
    You use compulsive to describe people or their behaviour when they cannot stop doing something wrong, harmful, or unnecessary.

    e.g. ...a compulsive liar...
    e.g. He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.

John is compulsively neat and clean, he's terrified of germs.

2. (书或电视节目)吸引人的,有趣的,引人入胜的
    If a book or television programme is compulsive, it is so interesting that you do not want to stop reading or watching it.


    e.g. The BBC series Hot Chefs is compulsive viewing...
    e.g. These chilling heroines make Hart's books compulsive reading.

...a series of compulsively readable novels.

compulsive 单语例句

1. Official figures showed more than 2 million Chinese have been receiving compulsive rehabilitation or treatment, but many of them find it difficult to completely give up the addiction.

2. The Herald has waded into unchartered waters to chronicle the impact of the compulsive use of internet pornography on relationships.

3. I'm less compulsive than I used to be, less of an obsessive worker.

4. The handsome midfielder has spent many years battling Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, a distressing mental condition which forces its suffers to perform strange rituals.

5. Enterprises also create demand for their products by employing techniques - advertising - to invent false " needs " and promote compulsive consumption habits.

6. The ministry ordered local land resource authorities to take compulsive measures against companies and individuals found to have violated land use laws.

7. The compulsive manner of the queue jumper was such that her takeaway order was being commenced with right away.

8. An epidemic of mindless consumerism is sweeping the world with the compulsive pursuit of money and possessions making people richer but sadder.

9. The " culture " of waste is a relatively new phenomenon in China, which is slowly turning into an urban society of compulsive consumers and waste generators.

10. A compulsive gambler in Shanghai chopped off one of his left fingers to show his resolve in kicking his habit.

compulsive 英英释义


1. a person with a compulsive disposition
    someone who feels compelled to do certain things


1. strongly motivated to succeed

    Synonym: determineddriven

2. caused by or suggestive of psychological compulsion

    e.g. compulsive drinking

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