
confine是什么意思 confine在线翻译 confine什么意思 confine的意思 confine的翻译 confine的解释 confine的发音 confine的同义词 confine的反义词

confine [kənˈfaɪn]  [kənˈfaɪn] 


confine 基本解释

及物动词限制; 局限于; 禁闭; 管制

名词界限,范围; 国界

confine 相关例句


1. I shall confine myself to the subject of geography.

2. He had had a long and uncomfortable trip, for he had been confined to the wooden box for over ten hours.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. We'll confine our discussion to the main issue.

4. The wild animals are confined in small cages in the zoo.


1. This is outside the confines of human knowledge.

2. She passed her life within the confines of her native place.

confine 网络解释

1. 范围:esteem 尊敬 | confine 范围 | establish 确定

2. 控制:configuration 形状,轮廓,外貌 | confine 控制 | confirm 证实

3. confine

3. 控制,限於范围内,幽禁,范围:transfer 迁移,转学,调职,移转 | confine 控制,限於范围内,幽禁,范围 | define 阐释,下定义,为...之特质

confine 词典解释

The verb is pronounced /kən'faɪn/. The noun confines is pronounced /'kɒnfaɪnz/. 动词读作 /kən'faɪn/。名词读作 /'kɒnfaɪnz/。

1. 限制,限定(防止扩散蔓延)
    To confine something to a particular place or group means to prevent it from spreading beyond that place or group.

    e.g. Health officials have successfully confined the epidemic to the Tabatinga area...
    e.g. The US will soon be taking steps to confine the conflict.

2. 限制(自己或自己的活动);使受局限
    If you confine yourself or your activities to something, you do only that thing and are involved with nothing else.

    e.g. He did not confine himself to the one language...
    e.g. Yoko had largely confined her activities to the world of big business...

3. 监禁;关押;禁闭
    If someone is confined to a mental institution, prison, or other place, they are sent there and are not allowed to leave for a period of time.

    e.g. The woman will be confined to a mental institution...
    e.g. He announced that the army and police had been confined to barracks.

4. 边界;界限;范围
    Something that is within the confines of an area or place is within the boundaries enclosing it.

    e.g. The movie is set entirely within the confines of the abandoned factory.
    e.g. ...the wild grass and weeds that grew in the confines of the grandstand.

5. 限制;局限
    The confines of a situation, system, or activity are the limits or restrictions it involves.

    e.g. ...away from the confines of the British class system...
    e.g. I can't stand the confines of this marriage.

confine 单语例句

1. The taxi and the elevator are quite similar in that they confine people in a limited space with complete strangers.

2. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will confine his first visit to China to Beijing only.

3. But what the hukou does do is confine rural migrants to the status of workers rather than citizens who can access public services.

4. Also feeling unaccustomed to a quiet life in the country, he did not confine himself to a small space but chose something much larger.

5. Different regions in China have varying rules and often confine owners of yachts to the region in which they purchased the boat.

6. But some countries are trying to confine China's navy to a chain of islets for groundless and impractical reasons.

7. The court said it hopes that the new regulations could confine some journalists from distorting or fabricating facts.

8. Prison is a place to confine people and take away a range of personal freedoms as a penalty for crimes.

9. That gives investors a chance to confine their exposure to Macao, unburdened by both companies'struggling Las Vegas operations.

10. Even worse, quite a number of parents confine children's development merely to academic performance.

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