
copyrights是什么意思 copyrights在线翻译 copyrights什么意思 copyrights的意思 copyrights的翻译 copyrights的解释 copyrights的发音 copyrights的同义词



copyrights 基本解释

版权( copyright的名词复数 );

copyrights 网络解释

1. 著作权:第九章介绍与开放源码软体随之而来的使用授权(Licenses)、著作权(Copyrights)、及专利权(Patents)等议题. 虽然使用者主要是以软体品质做为评估使用的依据,在这些可能引起法律纠纷的议题还是得小心处理为妙. 相信许多人都有以上痛苦的使用经验,

2. copyrights的反义词

2. 版权:在英美法上,版权(copyrights)、专利权(patents)被视为物,所以,它们是所有权的客体,对它们的拥有即是对它们的所有权. 而诸如身体的安全和声誉这样的权利却不被视为物,所以,对于它们就没有所有权. 土地上的种种利益也只有作为物,

3. (著作权/版权):Contractual Issues Excluded from the Coverage of CISG(排除在CISG适用范围之外的合同问... | Copyrights (著作权/版权) | Council for Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights(与知识产权有关的理...

4. copyrights的意思

4. 著作権:実用新案権 Model utility rights | 著作権 Copyrights | 商標権 Trade marks

copyrights 单语例句


1. Lu reminded companies intending to take advantage of famous copyrights that all market players should observe business ethics.

2. Though these companies churn out many programs every year, many of them are adaptations and only a few have their own copyrights.

3. Legislators suggested the country should unify the authority on patents, trademarks and copyrights into a single administrative body for better execution.

4. We have a complete set of copyright processes and a system where copyrights are managed and controlled both internally and externally.

5. Copyrights for five computer programs used to code or translate the languages of Chinese ethnic groups were recently registered.

6. He registered copyrights for the work at the Jilin Provincial Copyright Bureau in Northeast China in 2001.

7. In a signal that the creative industry is determined to protect its rights, a union to help enforce digital copyrights in China was officially established on April 26.

8. He said his decision did not target just the duo, but instead is intended to highlight the value of copyrights.

9. The estate accused Mann of trying to secure Jackson copyrights for profit, which it said would deprive Jackson's children of money they are owed.

10. Next, detailed provisions will be entered on programs and the protection and coordination of copyrights.

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